Bar chart (report) static line

This is working well in my dashboards. On the reports, which is where I first got it working, the reference line shows up in the preview in the report module, but not in the PDF when the report is emailed. Everything else renders in the PDF as expected.

Any ideas what’s preventing the line from rendering in the PDF?

The code is:
from java.awt import BasicStroke
from org.jfree.chart.plot import ValueMarker
goal = 0.5

s = BasicStroke(
	4.0, #width
	BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, #cap 
	BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, #join
	1.0) #, #miterLimit
	#[2, 4, 8, 16, 32], #dash pattern
	#0.0) #dash_phase_offset

m = ValueMarker(goal, system.gui.color(255, 10, 10), s)
#m.setLabel("Target Over")