Executing python expression from module

Hi @Kevin.Herron,

thanks, I got it working using this class you wrote and this usage example.

In case if anyone needs a running example, I will leave the following code snippets here:

public class CustomParseContext implements ExpressionParseContext {
    private final TagManagerBase tagManagerBase;
    private final FunctionFactory functionFactory;

    public CustomParseContext(TagManagerBase tagManagerBase, FunctionFactory functionFactory) {
        this.tagManagerBase = tagManagerBase;
        this.functionFactory = functionFactory;

    public Expression createBoundExpression(String path) throws RuntimeException {
        try {
            TagPath tagPath = TagPathParser.parse(path);
            Tag tag = tagManagerBase.getTag(tagPath);

            if (tag == null) throw new TagNotFoundException(tagPath);

            TagValue tagValue = tag.getAttribute(tagPath.getProperty());

            TagListener listener = new TagListener(

            Class type = TagProp.Value.equals(tagPath.getProperty()) ?
                    tag.getDataType().getJavaType() :

            BoundTagExpression expression = new BoundTagExpression(tagPath);

            return expression;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException | TagNotFoundException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public FunctionFactory getFunctionFactory() {
        return functionFactory;
public class MyComponent extends AbstractVisionPanel {
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());


    protected void onStartup() {

        VisionClientContext appContext = getAppContext();
        FunctionFactory functionFactory = appContext.getExpressionFunctionFactory();
        ClientTagManager tagManager = appContext.getTagManager();

        CustomParseContext customParseContext = new CustomParseContext(tagManager, functionFactory);
        Parser parser = new ELParserHarness();
        String expressionString = "now(1000)";
        try {
            Expression expression = parser.parse(expressionString, customParseContext);
            expression.connect(appContext, () -> {
                try {
                    String value = TypeUtilities.toString(expression.execute().getValue());
                    System.out.printf("value = %s\n", value);
                } catch (ExpressionException e) {
                    logger.warn("Error parsing expression '{}'", expressionString);


            // Execute the expression 'now(1000)' once
            System.out.println("execute: " + TypeUtilities.toString(expression.execute().getValue()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error starting ELParser", e);

I will mark this question as solved if you don’t mind