[FEATURE-14537] Perspective: Column Layout View Improvements

  1. Breakpoints determine only the position (row:column:span) of a component. See below

  2. See below.

  3. The problem is not that you can’t find it, the problem is that there is no such setting. See explanation below.

  4. As for row vertical alignment, you should NEVER have more than one row within a row. Make additional rows and position as needed within those.

Eventually, when we provide visibility into Viewport dimensions, you’ll be able to accomplish the “width-dependent height definition” paradigm you’re looking to use. The column and Breakpoint containers are intended to be used to determine relative positioning of components based on current viewport width. An oversight during initial development was how important the viewport width was to the style and/or appearance of a component. We are not currently tackling exposing viewport dimensions to users, though the idea has been posted in the ideas/requests forum.

The reason I’m directing you to that post and not opening a feature request for visibility into currently-in-use breakpoint is because binding to or against a breakpoint is extremely dangerous and can easily lead to infinite loops which even the Designer would be near powerless to prevent. Suppose you had modified the width of the container based on the active breakpoint - now your breakpoint is changing, only to be re-evaluated and now you’ve entered a loop.

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