Generate 0.5s and 0.25s pulse tag

Thanks for the replies.

I ended up using client tags and a client script:

# Set this to the script execution time period in ms
timeInterval = 125
# Time to count up to in ms. This affects the times pulses that may be generated
counterPeriod = 2000

tag = "[Client]System/Pulses/125ms Counter"
counter =

# Increment the 125ms counter tag if the time is within the counterPeriod time, otherwise reset to 0
if counter > (counterPeriod/timeInterval - 1):
	system.tag.write(tag, 0)
	system.tag.write(tag, + 1)

# Write the pulse values to the client tags
system.tag.write("[Client]System/Pulses/125ms", int(counter*timeInterval / 125) % 2)
system.tag.write("[Client]System/Pulses/250ms", int(counter*timeInterval / 250) % 2)
system.tag.write("[Client]System/Pulses/500ms", int(counter*timeInterval / 500) % 2)
system.tag.write("[Client]System/Pulses/750ms", int(counter*timeInterval / 750) % 2)
system.tag.write("[Client]System/Pulses/1000ms", int(counter*timeInterval / 1000) % 2)