Perspective provides a lot more flexibility here.
Here are the basic steps, which you could make as complicated or logic-heavy as you’d like:
- Create a View which contains a Label or Markup Component with your “Prefill form” text, and both a “Confirm” and “Cancel” button.
- This View should also accept a param of
. - The “Confirm” button should include an onClick Event which invokes a script action (if you’re following my instructions from this thread, then this Script Action should set the session properties which your form fields are bound to).
- The “Confirm” button’s script should also include
as the final line (this is why the Popup needs to accept a parameter which defines the id of the Popup. - The “Cancel” button should use the same
function as the “Confirm” button, but that should be all the logic it needs. - Use a valueChanged Event on a field of your choosing to invoke
system.perspective.openPopup(view=<a_configured_view>, id=<some_unique_value>, params={"id:":<the_same_unique_value>}, modal=True)
Using these steps should provide your user with a Modal Popup which includes both a confirm and cancel button, where when the Confirm button is clicked you perform your form fill-in logic and then close the Popup, or if "Cancel: is clicked, the Popup will just close and do nothing.