Java version client sadness

So I spent some time with the application installer builder InnoScript. It’s not bad and fairly straight forward.

Basically I build an installer that will put the client launcher in the ProgramData folder along with a custom launch.xml with the gateway name and a JRE folder with 32 or 64bit JRE depending on the client arch. Additionally, the install puts a link in AllUsers Start Menu to Ignition Applications which points to the clientlauncher.exe

The installer can run graphically or completely silent. I’m testing on a few PC’s but looks like I can get IT to approve to deploy to all systems to lighten their headaches with clients and eliminate the need to manage Java installs.

Needs some final deployment testing, but so far this is slick. If anyone wants a copy of the installer build script let me know. Only issue is ensuring the client uses the java version in the JRE folder and not the system JRE, but sounds like Inductive will be able to fix that soon.