Momentary Pushbutton latching ON

To whom it may concern…

I have experimented with different settings on the Scan Class associated with my Momentary button template. After several failed attempts, I finally copied the Default Scan Class (Direct, 1000ms, Subscribed) and checked the option for ‘OPC Read After Write’. In testing, I have (as yet) been unable to cause the bit to latch after well over a thousand mouse clicks whereas I was able to easily cause a latch after just a few dozen clicks without the OPC Read After Write option selected.

Perhaps a workaround, perhaps just a coincidence? If used make sure you are in a test bed and not a live environment. We are using for pre-FAT at the moment, so we will have a much better grasp of the work-ability after another week or so of testing… but, so far, so good.

Fingers crossed.