Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2020

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.0-b20200909

Data Model

324: UDT Defs with Params that match built-in Params will fail to upgrade properly when upgrading to 8.0.15+
UDT Defs with parameters matching Built-in parameters no longer prevent tags from starting up.

323: Tag bindings get stuck in stale quality after connection between designer/client and remote server is re-established
When connection between a designer/client and remote server is severed then reconnected, tag bindings on vision components will now successfully re-establish good quality.


352: Expand gateway network to allow for deeper routing
Adds an environment parameter “ignition.gan.maxproxydepth” that allows for more than 1 hop in gateway network routing.


289: Serial SECS/GEM equipment connection throws NoClassDefFoundError: Serialio/SerialConfig error
Refactored serial code in SECS/GEM module to use jSerialComm.