Nightly Changelogs - 2019

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190611

Ignition Platform

14105: system.tag.configure does not correctly handle nested tag overrides
Fixed an issue where system.tag.configure did not correctly handle nested tag overrides.

14144: Capitalization fixes
Fixed incorrect capitalization in gateway setup messages.

14104: Allow deleting/editing invalid project in gateway web interface
Invalid projects can now be deleted/edited in the gateway web interface.

14003: add urlEncode expression
Added urlEncode() expression function. Accepts two parameters:

  • A string URL to encode
  • (optional) A boolean stating whether to use query parameter style, or URI fragment style escaping.

12984: SSL Certificate Management and Web Server Management Features
The gateway’s SSL certificate, SSL cipher suites, and the http / https ports may now be configured from the Gateway’s config web interface. More information can be found here on the forums

14120 Add stronger cipher support to the launchers’ minimized JRE
Added Support for stronger Ciphers to be used with SSL certificates.


13229 perspective cache

Perspective now uses browser caching to store runtime assets for faster project startups.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190613

Ignition Platform

14089: Dragging tag folder onto itself results in loss of folder with no warning
Fixed an issue where dragging a tag folder onto itself would result in the loss of the folder, and its contents.

14165: Make beginTransaction work in Perspective named queries
Fixed an issue where system.db.beginNamedQueryTransaction could not run in Perspective


13182, 13681: Perspective Session Refactor and Implement Close Session Script
Added ability to close a session immediately through scripting with system.perspective.closeSession
Refactored perspective client session lifecycle so that startup scripts are not invoked when the user is not authorized to run the project. When the user is no longer authorized to run the project for any reason, the session will be shut down, destroyed and removed from its collection immediately.

13233: Allow and support folders in style classes
Added support for folders in style classes.

13748: Configuring component properties with bad data will break Component rendering
Component properties that were fed bad/inappropriate data in the Designer would cause rendering issues on the component. This change will prevent the rendering issue in these cases. The Property Editor will still display errors and warning messages in these cases.


13942: Alarm Property Name does not resolve UDT parameter
The alarm name property set to use parameter values will now initialized with the correct value.

Enterprise Administration

13467 Implement async EAM remote upgrade trigger call
EAM remote agent upgrade has been updated to use async method calls internally, which will prevent timeout errors when triggering an agent upgrade from the controller.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190614

Ignition Platform

13923: Forward port fixes to journal from 11961
Fixed an issue where alarm properties were not being logged to the journal during acknowledge events - most notably, the label property.


14160: Allow download of opc ua cert on firefox and accept non english locales for displaying expiration date
OPC UA security page certs download action now works for Firefox. Cert expiration date no longer displays ‘Invalid Date’ for non-english languages.

14184: Ignore case when deciding whether to override endpointUrl
Resolved an issue where UA client connections would fail if the endpoint hostname provided by the remote server used a different casing than the hostname on the connection.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190617

Enterprise Administration

14110: Add system.eam.runTask()
Added the system.eam.runTask() scripting function.

Ignition Platform

14152: Launcher failure with existing Java 8 installations
Resolved an issue on Windows systems with existing Java 8 installations that caused the Native Launchers to fail with no feedback or indication.

13550: Issue with default application when gateway is down
Changed how launchers behave when attempting to launch the default applications while the gateway is down:

  • Desktop shortcuts will show an error and exit
  • Using the Launcher will throw a modal warning, and return to the launcher.

14126: Launcher UI enhancements
Made slight UI changes to the sidebar when managing the settings on the launcher or an application.

  • The icons have been changed
  • The items now appear as buttons.

14060: Vision Launcher shortcuts and connections to redundant backups
Fixed an issue where Vision Launcher shortcuts would not connect to redundant backup gateways.

14197: Composite UDT members may not get loaded correctly on startup
Resolved an issue where nested UDT members were not being loaded correctly on gateway and tag provider startup.

13659: Expose system.util.queryAuditLog in gateway scope
The system.util.queryAuditLog function may now be called from the gateway scope.

13836: DockPanel, when the activeView is no longer visible due to center view
Dock Views properly honor inherit visibility properties when navigating between pages.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190618


14082: Alarm Status Table Footer Remains Displayed When No Rows Are Selected
Resolved an issue where the footer on the Alarm Status Table component remained displayed while none of the rows were selected.

14093: Alarms Which Do Not Require Notes Can Be Forced Into Requiring Notes
Fixed an issue where alarms that did not require notes could be forced into requiring notes.

14096: Alarms selected in the Alarm Status Table can no longer be forced into requiring notes
Fixed an issue where the Alarm Status Table would maintain prior alarm selections after acknowledgement.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190619

Ignition Platform

13726: Fix odd formatting on feedback panel
Fixed a truncated error message that appeared when deleting schedules on the gateway.

13932: Improved circular dependency checking in the tag data type system
Resolved a possible stack overflow when multiple UDT types are configured in a circular manner.

14188: Adding time of modification to the conflict resolution dialog binary view
The conflict resolution dialog for resources now shows the full date and time of modification.


13059: Flex Container and Repeater UI
Added new UI for the flex container and flex repeater component.

The flex components now expose the alignItems, alignContent, justify, and wrap props as a separate UI. In addition, the elementStyle and elementPosition props have been added to provide styling and positioning on all instances. The prop elementPosition supports grow, shrink and basis.

Each instance in a flex component will now have the reserved props instanceStyle and instancePosition. They are used for fine grain styling/positioning of each instance in a flex component.

The props elementStyle/elementPosition are applied first before instanceStyle/instancePosition.

14205: Fix ClassCastExceptions
Fixed a ClassCastException that could be thrown by a session refactor in some cases.


14179: Adding svg namespace to Symbol Factory Basic Symbols to avoid IOException
Using Basic Symbols from Symbol Factory in Vision windows no longer throws an IOException.


14075: Forward port 13975 - Active duration format in ASTable
Vision alarm status table now has a “durationFormat” setting to control how the “active duration” and “unacked duration” columns display their duration.

13907: Set button background color during deserialization
Fixed an issue where buttons created in previous versions could be missing a background color in their serialization, causing them to assume container background color upon deserialization in 8.0.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190620

Ignition Platform

14192: Protect against NPE when reading images on gateway startup
Applied a fix that will guard against a possible NPE when importing built-in images during gateway startup.


11556: BrowserPanel now resizes to accommodate auto-hidden docked panels
Docked panels in the designer set to auto-hide now adjust the Perspective Workspace when they are resized so the workspace doesn’t render in front of the docked panel (see Component Palette)

13925: add more custom table component events
Added the following custom component events to the Table component:

  • onSelectionChange
  • onCellEditStart
  • onCellEditCancel
  • onRowClick
  • onRowDoubleClick
  • onSubviewExpand
  • onSubviewCollapse


14127: Reporting Module NPE on startup when report can’t deserialize
Fixed an issue where the Reporting module could possibly cause an NPE on gateway startup.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190621

Enterprise Administration

14068: Fixed issue of project resources not found during send resource task execution
Fixed an issue where tag XML imports containing UDT parameter bindings were using the incorrect format for the binding; “{bindType=parameter, binding={myParam}}” instead of “{myParam}”

Ignition Platform

14012: Tag xml import not handing udt parameter bindings correctly
Fixed an issue where the Send Project Resource task failed if views, windows, or templates had names with a mix of uppercase and lowercase.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190625

Ignition Platform

14193: Fix broken perspective status page
Fixed an issue where the Session Status page on the gateway’s web interface would not load.


14166: Prevent NPEs with alarm events sent from remote gateways
Fixed an issue causing NullPointerExceptions on alarm events that were sent from remote gateways.


13474: Error thrown when trying to run a SFC on an inheritable project
Fixed an issue where attempting to run an SFCs configured in an inheritable project would throw an error. This change only affects callable SFCs; Run Always SFCs will not run on inheritable projects.


13833: Bi-directional UDT bindings are attempting to write values upon initialization
Bi-directional UDT bindings in Vision are incorrectly attempting to write values upon initialization.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190626

Ignition Platform

14032: Dataset and Array Values No Longer Available In Tag Browser
Fixed a regression where array and dataset type tags were not showing their values.

14253: Updated menu tree and horizontal menu icons
The icons for the Horizontal Menu and Menu Tree components have been updated.


14240: Add tooltip to flex UI reverse button
Added a tooltip for the Reverse button on the Flex Container/Repeater UI that’s available when the component is deeply selected.


14151: Remove IntervalXYDatasetDecorator
Fixed an issue with the X-trace reporting inaccurate data for pens not visible while charts were zoomed in.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190627

Ignition Platform

13996: Multi Monitor: Confirmation / Input popup shows up on the wrong screen
Fixed an issue where Confirmation/Input popup windows appear on the wrong screen on multi-monitor environments.

13900: Replace confirmation dialog for tag move
Dragging and dropping tags in the Tag Browser now requires now asks for confirmation before moving the tags.

13738: Improve mathematical operator support for udt parameters
Improved mathematical operator support for UDT parameters: e.g., {(myParam+myParam)*5/2}


14114 PDF Viewer Needs a Refresh Method
Added a reload() function to the PDF Viewer component.


13888 Added Ability for Perspective Components to Expose Callable Methods
Perspective components can now expose methods that are callable from scripts.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190628

Ignition Platform

13701, 11875:Set the suggested filename on the file chooser after the UI has been re-set
Resolved a couple of issues where file extensions were not being applied to files generated by the Reporting module and the following system.dataset functions:

  • system.dataset.exportCSV
  • system.dataset.exportExcel
  • system.dataset.exportHTML


14301: use configured request timeout while creating DataTypeTree
Fixed possible failed session initialization due to a hardcoded 5s timeout.


14222 Added getChildren()/children to perspective scripting
In scripting, a perspective container’s children can now be accessed via .getChildren() or .children


12132: Fixed field border for text field components
Resolved an issue where Field Borders were not being rendered correctly on input field components.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190701

Ignition Platform

13366: Resource conflict dialog refinements
Made slight UI improvements to the Resource Conflict window.

14043: UDT editor should process property changes before selection switch to another member
Resolved an issue in the Tag Editor where switching from one UDT member to another would not commit changes.


14207: Fixed NPE caused by null/empty Style Classes
Fixed an issue where null/empty Style Classes were preventing the Perspective module from loading in the Designer.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190702

Ignition Platform

14023: Set tag default engineering clamp mode
The Engineering Clamp Mode is now defaulted to “No_Clamp” if the clamp mode string on import does not match an existing clamp mode.


14226: Add getString to file object in onFileReceived & support kwargs
Added a getString() method to the file object accessible in the onFileReceived component event.


13956: Fixed IllegalStateException when renaming a tag in a transaction group
Fixed an issue in the Designer where an IllegalStateException was being thrown while renaming a tag item within a transaction group.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190703

Ignition Platform

13774: Added tag browse panel to Tag Event Scripts
Added tag reference insert action to Tag Event Script editor.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190705

Ignition Platform

14137: Authentication through an Ignition IdP is now compatible with user sources configured with soft failover
Authentication through an Ignition IdP is now compatible with user sources configured to use a “Soft” Failover Mode.

14157: Newly created tag with custom permissions throws Bad_AccessDenied on write
Fixed an issue where custom permissions on tags required a tag provider start before working properly.

14215: Now cloning properties that are passed to dependent udt members
Fixed an issue where fields that used UDT parameters in the Alarm Status Table component were occasionally not resolving.


14099: NPE thrown with vision progress bar if (val < min) or (val > max)
Fixed an issue with the Progress Bar component where opening a window while the Value property is out of bounds would cause a NullPointerException.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190708


14363: Prevent React returning undefined in render of I18N when children are undefined
Fixed an issue where a session would return nothing in render while running on the master node.

13072: Perspective Sparkline feature requests
Several improvements were made to the Perspective Sparkline component. Notably, added support for datasets, marker properties, and desired range properties.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190710

Ignition Platform

12490: Add keyboard shortcuts to launch Vision and Perspective
Added keyboard shortcut to launch Perspective sessions and Vision clients from the Designer.

  • Perspective: Launch Session (F10)
  • Vision: Launch Windowed (F10), and Launch Full Screen (F11)

12770 and 13630: Added error indicators to udts to show configuration issues with a UDT hierarchy
UDTs with an invalid or missing parent are now visually marked with an error indicator in the tag browser.


10682: Image drop dialog
Added a dialog when dropping an image onto a view, allowing users to specify if the image should be uploaded to Image Management, or embed directly in the view.


12573: SFC Forward port of 12683
A persisted SFC instance no longer throws an error on gateway startup if it is waiting between two transitions when the chart was persisted on gateway shutdown.


14027: Add partial content support to FileResourceHandler
Added support for HTTP Range Requests/Partial Content responses to the File resource type

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190711

Ignition Platform
14262: Added public HTTP address web server config
Added new Web Server settings for public facing HTTP addresses, “Public HTTP Port”, and “Public HTTPS Port”. These replace the similarly named properties under the redundancy settings but now Vision Clients and Designers will connect to the gateway on these public settings if auto-detect is disabled.

These settings are useful for non-standard installations, especially those where the public facing address for the gateway differs from the address or ports the Gateway is actually running: notably reverse proxy setups as well as Docker Containers with advanced port mapping configurations.

13287: Add Copy Path action to inherited resources, also clean ups
Added a Copy Path menu item to all resource types and inherited resources.

14225 Added new gwcmd utility option to override name
Added ‘–name’ or ‘-o’ arg to the Gateway Command Utility to allow specifying a gateway name when restoring a backup. Additionally, the ‘-y’ command now correctly skips prompts asking for a gateway name override.


14434: Sparkline, permit range outside of data derived range
The Perspective Sparkline component can now have its range properties set beyond the min and max values of the underlying data on the chart.


12573: SFC Forward port of 12683
A persisted SFC instance no longer throws an error on gateway startup if it is waiting between two transitions when the chart was persisted on gateway shutdown.


13634: Button’s default foreground color is incorrect
Fixed a discrepancy on the Button component’s initial foreground color; the color being rendered on the component was a lighter color (112,117,112) than the value on the Foreground Color property (46,46,46). Now the foreground color is properly rendering with the darker color.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190712


14209: Perspective table style properties do not work with Style Classes
Fixed an issue where some of the Perspective Table component’s style properties were ignoring Style Classes. Notably: headergroups, footergroups, rows, columns, and cells