Nightly Changelogs - 2019

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.2- b20190426

Alarm Notification

13009: Errors on restarting Alarm Pipeline module

Ignition Platform

13006: Auto-focus gateway address field in modal
NCL: Gateway address field in manual gateway modal now auto-focuses.

13113: Cannot edit parameter values through system.tag.configure

13641: system.user now visible in designer when Vision is not installed
system.user scripting functions are now visible in the Designer when Vision is not installed.

13292: TagTreeModel stacks up subscriptions on nodes
Duplicate tag subscription listeners were created in the Designer when the Gateway was restarted.

Abstract table to table common, rewrite table component, add features, fix bugs, set up to branch and build alarm status table.
Please see [Feedback] NEW Perspective Table for additional information.

Includes Features:
12173: Copying values from selection, when only one cell is selected, will copy only that
13450: Rows can be configured to override the subview configuration of the rows config
13297: The prop ‘enableFiltering’ is now an object called ‘filter’ where it can be toggled
13586: Text Field in Filter props doesn’t allow you to enter data
13359: Pagination Rework

Includes fixes for:
10958: Table header z-order is no longer greater than other components.
13168: View cells should receive row data as view params
12856: Fixed, by allowing tables in subviews to be configured as non-virtualized.
13224: Table boolean checkbox render mode no longer always renders as true
12180: Boolean value with auto render mode now display checkboxes.
12933: Table filtering no longer breaks if certain special characters are typed out
12931: Table filtering no longer breaks when data contains null values
13157: Subviews when open no longer disappear when scrolled out of view
13158: Table columns should expand and grow with client.


13042: Fixed Chart Customizer UDT NPE


13682, 13683: Bound column configs render column id until provided a title, columns with auto render mode no longer attempt to render as date

12917: Make dropdown defensive against null return values
Fixed an issue where the dropdown component would enter an error state if configured with null Data.

13429 Android Chrome - Dock Corner Priority
Corner Priority is now correctly honored by Docks with Chrome for Android

13324: Add actionPerformed to mouse-based input components
Also fixes 13173 and 12990
Added actionPerformed event (which will not fire when the component is disabled) to the following components: Barcode Scanner, Button, Checkbox, Date Time Input, Date Time Picker, Dropdown, Multistate Button, Numeric Entry Field, One Shot Button, Radio Group, Slider, Toggle Switch