Runscript() not working after upgrading from 7.9 to 8

@Kevin.Herron, I think I encounter a similar issue:
Ignition 8.0.5
Gateway Scripting Project set to “global”
I’ve create a new tag expression with a runscript.


in the global project:

def shared.tag.alarm.test()
  import shared.tag.util
  return 0

Expression return :

[null, Error_ExpressionEval("Error executing script for runScript() expression:shared.tag.alarm.test"), Thu Oct 17 17:04:44 CEST 2019 (1571324684504)]

if I supprim the import, tag expression is OK:

def shared.tag.alarm.test()
  return 0

The same expression with the import inside the shared.tag.alarm.test, works with no issue in 7.9