Script to compare and return dataset values

You can get column data as a list. Use that list with system.tag.readBlocking to get all your values at once.

I’d also recommend converting to a PyDataSet to make it convenient to iterate through the data.

def myFunc(datasetPath):
	# Read the dataset tag. Convert to PyDataSet for easier iteration.
	dataIn = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(system.tag.readBlocking([datasetPath])[0].value)

	# Get column names. Coerce it to a list to use the same names in the new dataset.
	headers = list(dataIn.getColumnNames())
	# Get tag paths as a list
	tagList  = dataIn.getColumnAsList(headers.index('InterlockedTags'))

	# Read the tags
	tagValues = [tag.value for tag in system.tag.readBlocking(tagList)]

	# Construct the new dataset.
	data = []
	for row, actualValue in zip(dataIn, tagValues): 
		data.append([row['InterlockedTags'], row['StatusForTrue'], int(row['StatusForTrue'] != actualValue)])
	# Write back to the original tag
	system.tag.writeBlocking([datasetPath],[system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)])
