Source control in Ignition 8

We found that one repo did not work for our situation. However we have dozens of projects being worked on, so the one repo approach did not work. EAM started breaking down for deployment as our team got bigger as we did not have great visibility as to WHAT was deployed, only the when.

What we have just started implementing is discontinuing EAM and using Git and Azure DevOps to control deployment. We have a DEV/TEST/PROD environments for all projects. Ignition developers have access to a “toolbox” page with git status, and commit functions. Perspective then calls the git commands on the GW in the respective project folders. This triggers commits to Azure DevOps.

From there Azure DevOps takes over and we have dozens of options on how to process the commit. Some projects the commit forces a project push to other servers via a DevOps release, other project require a pull request and when the PR is opens and/or closed a release is created which is picked up by a DevOps release pipeline and pushed to the appropriate Ignition Gateway.

So far this works for projects, then we need to tackle a similar approach for tag and db schema deployments.