Table cell dropdown query

I used what was above exactly, with the exception that I gave the JComboBox some items ( JComboBox(['foo','bar','baz']) )

Anyway, I guess since I'm necromancing I'll go ahead and post the solution:

If you want the JComboBox to drop down and be selectable, you have to do this in the configureEditor section, which is a bit more tricky. The cell will not look like a dropdown until you give it focus unless you configure the cell and the editor. I personally think it looks nicer when the dropdown only displays on focus

And since I trimmed that up a (tiny) bit, here's a JComboBox power table drop down selectyboi that does scale modes

from javax.swing import AbstractCellEditor,JComboBox
from javax.swing.table import TableCellEditor

class myTableCellEditor( TableCellEditor, AbstractCellEditor ):	

def __init__(self, tableComponent):
	self.table    = tableComponent
	self.comboBox = None
def getTableCellEditorComponent(self, table, value, isSelected, rowIndex, vColIndex):

	# make a box. you could do a db query here or whatever
	scaleModes = ['Off', 'Linear', 'Square Root', 'Exponential Filter', 'Bit Inversion']
	self.comboBox = JComboBox(scaleModes)

	# set the currently selected item
	initialVal = rowIndex, 'Scale Mode' )
	self.comboBox.setSelectedItem( initialVal )

	return self.comboBox
def getCellEditorValue(self):
	return self.comboBox.getSelectedItem()
if colName == 'Scale Mode':
	return {'editor' : myTableCellEditor( self ) }

tl;dr: I should have searched better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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