Uncertain initial value when I use system.tag.configure!

Unfortunately, setting some properties at the top level of a tag with system.tag.configure, even to what should be their current value, causes weird side effects. I bumped into this with the tag quality. The simplest solution I’ve found is to pass only the bare minimum config back into system.tag.configure when using “merge” mode.
Try this:

def overrideAlarmConfig(tagPath, alarmName, alarmProperty, value):
	tagName = tagPath.split('/')[-1]
	basePath = tagPath.rsplit('/',1)[0]
	config = [ { 'name':tagName, 'alarms':[ { 'name':alarmName, alarmProperty:value } ] } ]
	system.tag.configure(basePath, config, 'm')

overrideAlarmConfig("[default]D33/BO01/PIT_1001/PR2/MINS", "High", "enabled", 'true')```