Using 3rd python library: pyping

Just augmenting @Kyle_Chase’s good suggestion. You could create a script in your project script library called inetutils:

import sys
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

def ping(host, count=1, timeout=1000):
	if sys.platform == 'win32':
		count_arg = '-n'
		timeout_arg = '-w'
		count_arg = '-c'
		timeout_arg = '-W'
	args = map(str, [ 'ping', count_arg, count, timeout_arg, timeout, host ])
	p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
	output, err = p.communicate()
	if p.returncode == 0:  # success
			m ="time=(\d+(?:\.\d+){0,1})\s*ms", output)
			time = float(
		except Exception, e:
			time = -1
		time = None
	return (time, p.returncode)

Then, in your project, you can use the something like the following:

from project.inetutils import ping

time, result = ping('')
if result == 0:
	print 'Success, response time is: %.2fms' % time
	print 'Failure, return code: %d' % result

The above solution will leverage the return code of the subprocess call, where 0 is a successful result. Other return codes will produce based on various failures of the call to ping such as 68 for unknown host, or 2 for response timeout. Keep in mind that this is still going to be a blocking call, so use accordingly.

Hope this helps!