Nightly Changelogs - 2019

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190913

Ignition Platform

14383: Tag Status Page Needs Corrected Links
Fixed an outdated “Relatime Configuration” link located on the Gateway’s Tag Status page. The link should now correctly lead to the Realtime Tag configuration page.


The following enhancements have been made to the Time Series Chart and Brushed Time Selector components

14703: Add UI to show the chart is panned or zoomed
The Time Series Chart now has an icon in the top/right corner when the chart is zoomed in to any level past its base time range (1x zoom). Clicking on this icon will return the chart to its base time range. Milestone: Ignition 8.0.5

14704: Do not allow pan/zoom to exceed the time boundaries of the series data
Both the Time Series Chart and the Chart Range Selector cannot be zoomed out past their standard level of zoom. Previously, these charts could be zoomed out indefinitely showing white space on either side of the charted data.

14690: Maintain zoom while polling
The Time Series Chart will not refresh its time range if it is zoomed in. Previously, polling data would refresh the chart and bring the zoom back out to the base time range (1x). This was cumbersome if you wanted to zoom in closely to scrutinize data.

14818: Allow pan/zoom to be disabled
Both the Time Series and Chart Range Selector have their enablePanZoom properties exposed as component properties so that a user can disable pan zoom behavior if they choose. This property is set to true by default.

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