STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 09:06:34 | Ignition service installed. STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 09:06:34 | Starting the Ignition service... STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:06:34 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:06:34 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:06:34 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:06:34 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:06:34 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:06:34 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:06:35 | Launching a JVM... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:36 | WrapperManager: Initializing... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:36,915 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Found resource [data\\logback.xml] at [file:/C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/data/logback.xml] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,046 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,051 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [SysoutAppender] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,056 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,089 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [com.inductiveautomation.logging.SQLiteAppender] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,100 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [DB] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,422 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.db.DataSourceConnectionSource@56efdb71 - Driver name=SQLite JDBC INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,422 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.db.DataSourceConnectionSource@56efdb71 - Driver version= INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,422 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.db.DataSourceConnectionSource@56efdb71 - supportsGetGeneratedKeys=true INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,509 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,513 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [SysoutAsync] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,514 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [SysoutAppender] to ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,514 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] - Attaching appender named [SysoutAppender] to AsyncAppender. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,516 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] - Setting discardingThreshold to 51 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,516 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,516 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [DBAsync] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,516 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [DB] to ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,516 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] - Attaching appender named [DB] to AsyncAppender. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,516 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] - Setting discardingThreshold to 51 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,517 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.RootLoggerAction - Setting level of ROOT logger to INFO INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,517 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [SysoutAsync] to Logger[ROOT] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,518 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [DBAsync] to Logger[ROOT] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,521 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - End of configuration. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,524 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator@71ecdf25 - Registering current configuration as safe fallback point INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | 09:06:37,585 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator@59e659c6 - Propagating INFO level on Logger[ROOT] onto the JUL framework INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | W [WebResourceManagerImpl ] [13:06:37]: Unable to read "gateway.metroKeystoreAlias" gateway.xml property. Assuming metro keystore alias is: metro-key INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:37 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:37]: Starting setup INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:37]: gateway.forceSecureRedirect property is not set. Defaulting to false INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: gateway.includedCipherSuites property is not set. Defaulting to [] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: gateway.excludedCipherSuites property is not set. Defaulting to [] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: gateway.publicAddress.autoDetect property is not set. Defaulting to true INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: gateway.publicAddress.address property is not set. Defaulting to INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: gateway.publicAddress.httpPort property is not set. Defaulting to INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: gateway.publicAddress.httpsPort property is not set. Defaulting to INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: gateway.useProxyForwardedHeader property is not set. Defaulting to false INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: gateway.resolveHostNames property is not set. Defaulting to false INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: Setup complete INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [Commissioning ] [13:06:38]: Resources needing commissioning: eula,authSetup,connections,activated INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [Commissioning ] [13:06:38]: Commissioning State updated from commissioning to needs_commissioning INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:06:38]: Starting up INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [C.SecureRandomProvider ] [13:06:38]: Secure random seed generated in 2ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:38 | I [o.e.j.s.Server ] [13:06:38]: jetty-10.0.15; built: 2023-04-11T17:25:14.480Z; git: 68017dbd00236bb7e187330d7585a059610f661d; jvm 11.0.18+10-LTS INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:39 | 09:06:39,086 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.servlet.LogbackServletContainerInitializer@7c7028f6 - Due to deployment instructions will NOT register an instance of class ch.qos.logback.classic.servlet.LogbackServletContextListener to the current web-app INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:39 | W [o.e.j.u.DeprecationWarning ] [13:06:39]: Using @Deprecated Class org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.listener.ELContextCleaner INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:39 | I [o.e.j.s.s.DefaultSessionIdManager] [13:06:39]: Session workerName=node0 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:39 | I [o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler ] [13:06:39]: Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@20c08f9a{Commissioning,/,file:///C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/webserver/webapps/commissioning/,AVAILABLE} INFO | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 09:06:39 | Waiting to start... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:39 | I [o.e.j.s.AbstractConnector ] [13:06:39]: Started ServerConnector@6b104629{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:39 | I [o.e.j.s.Server ] [13:06:39]: Started Server@7bb4180c{STARTING}[10.0.15,sto=10000] @3345ms STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 09:06:40 | Ignition service started. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:41 | WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:41 | WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.util.IgnitionSocketImplFactory (file:/C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/lib/core/gateway/gateway-8.1.30.jar) to constructor INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:41 | WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.util.IgnitionSocketImplFactory INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:41 | WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:06:41 | WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.e.j.s.AbstractConnector ] [13:07:10]: Started ServerConnector@22bb6a94{SSL, (ssl, http/1.1)}{} INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler ] [13:07:10]: Stopped o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@20c08f9a{Commissioning,/,file:///C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/webserver/webapps/commissioning/,STOPPED} INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [Commissioning ] [13:07:10]: Commissioning State updated from needs_commissioning to commissioned INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | 09:07:10,482 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.servlet.LogbackServletContainerInitializer@4e984c93 - Due to deployment instructions will NOT register an instance of class ch.qos.logback.classic.servlet.LogbackServletContextListener to the current web-app INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | W [o.e.j.u.DeprecationWarning ] [13:07:10]: Using @Deprecated Class org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.listener.ELContextCleaner INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.Application ] [13:07:10]: [WicketFilter] init: Wicket core library initializer INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:07:10]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IBehaviorListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener.onRequest()] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:07:10]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IFormSubmitListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IFormSubmitListener.onFormSubmitted()] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:07:10]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=ILinkListener, method=public abstract void] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:07:10]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IOnChangeListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IOnChangeListener.onSelectionChanged()] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:07:10]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IRedirectListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.IRedirectListener.onRedirect()] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:07:10]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IResourceListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.IResourceListener.onResourceRequested()] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.Application ] [13:07:10]: [WicketFilter] init: Wicket extensions initializer INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:10]: Ignition[state=STOPPED] ContextState = STARTING INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:10]: Starting Ignition 8.1.30 (b2023071408) INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:10]: Reloading JDBC classloader. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:10 | I [o.a.w.p.h.WebApplication ] [13:07:10]: [WicketFilter] Started Wicket version 6.30.0 in DEPLOYMENT mode INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [R.S.S.InternalDb ] [13:07:11]: Internal db synchronizer disk cache initialized. State id=null redundant-provider=internaldb INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [R.StateMonitoring ] [13:07:11]: Redundancy state changed: Role=Independent, Activity level=Active, Project state=Good, History level=Full redundant-provider=system INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:11]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:07:11]: Looking for existing internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:07:11]: ... no files found, will create. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:07:11]: Creating new internal database "config.idb". INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler ] [13:07:11]: Started c.i.c.MainWebAppContext@48d4ee41{Ignition,/,file:///C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/webserver/webapps/main/,AVAILABLE} INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:11]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:07:11]: internal database "config.idb" started up successfully. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:07:11]: Registering autobackup task [owner=Internal DB Autobackup, name=internal database "config.idb"] INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:11]: Loading modules.... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:11 | E [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:11]: Could not create data/module-info INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:15 | I [A.Notification ] [13:07:15]: Alert notification system created. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:15 | I [g.PersistentRecordSecurityLevelConfigService] [13:07:15]: Set up in 57 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:15 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:15]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:15 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterConfigService] [13:07:15]: Successfully added new Identity Provider with name "default" from User Source Profile INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:15 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterConfigService] [13:07:15]: Set up in 120 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:15 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:15]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:15 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterMetricsService] [13:07:15]: Legacy User History Table not found. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:15 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterMetricsService] [13:07:15]: Set up in 31 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:15]: System properties does not exist in IDB. Creating default system properties... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading setting 'ConfigRoleName' with value 'Administrator' to 'ConfigPermissions' with value '{"type":"AnyOf","securityLevels":[{"name":"Authenticated","description":"Represents a user who has been authenticated by the system.","children":[{"name":"Roles","description":"Represents the roles that a user has.","children":[{"name":"Administrator","children":[]}]}]}]}' INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading setting 'StatusPageRoleName' with value 'Administrator' to 'StatusPagePermissions' with value '{"type":"AnyOf","securityLevels":[{"name":"Authenticated","description":"Represents a user who has been authenticated by the system.","children":[{"name":"Roles","description":"Represents the roles that a user has.","children":[{"name":"Administrator","children":[]}]}]}]}' INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading setting 'HomePageRoleName' with value '' to 'HomePagePermissions' with value '{"type":"AnyOf","securityLevels":[]}' INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading setting 'DesignerRoleName' with value 'Administrator' to 'DesignerPermissions' with value '{"type":"AnyOf","securityLevels":[{"name":"Authenticated","description":"Represents a user who has been authenticated by the system.","children":[{"name":"Roles","description":"Represents the roles that a user has.","children":[{"name":"Administrator","children":[]}]}]}]}' INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading setting 'CreateProjectRoleName' with value '' to 'CreateProjectPermissions' with value '{"type":"AnyOf","securityLevels":[]}' INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:16]: 1 rows affected INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [g.OAuth2ClientManager ] [13:07:16]: Setup complete in 26 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [g.InternalDatabaseRememberedSubjects] [13:07:16]: Legacy Remembered Subjects Table not found. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [g.InternalDatabaseRememberedSubjects] [13:07:16]: Set up in 37 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [g.OIDCProviderManager ] [13:07:16]: Set up in 37 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading schema for module "" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [MetricHistoryManager ] [13:07:16]: Creating new metrics database INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:16 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:16]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:17 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:07:17]: Creating new tag store for provider 'System'. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:17 | I [t.s.internaljson ] [13:07:17]: Redundancy version token not set for provider 'System', will initialize to system version. provider=System INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:17 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:17]: Upgrading schema for module "" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:17 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:17]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:17 | I [g.EmailProfileManager ] [13:07:17]: Upgraded 0 email profiles in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:17 | I [g.EmailProfileManager ] [13:07:17]: Setup complete in 120 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:18 | I [G.Manager ] [13:07:17]: Setting up trust list managers... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:18 | I [G.Manager ] [13:07:17]: Trust list managers setup completed in 27 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:18 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:18]: Upgrading schema for module "gan" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:18 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:18]: Upgrading schema for module "" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:18 | I [c.i.i.g.p.r.ProjectRecordConverter] [13:07:18]: Conversion finished. Elapsed time: 45 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:25 | W [g.LicenseManager ] [13:07:25]: Could not read license from HASP key. HASP login() failed. Last error = 14. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:28 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:28]: Setting up modules INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:28 | I [g.LicenseManager ] [13:07:28]: Trial time reset. Time remaining = 7200. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:28 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:07:28]: JNI Library: C:\Windows\TEMP\__416909968__jniwrap-3.10.Build.3.1054e06982-86a1-4fe4-99e4-bb02894596e7\jniwrap64.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:30 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:30]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition.alarmnotificationmanager" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:30 | I [a.AlarmNotificationManager ] [13:07:30]: Successfully upgraded 0 of 0 email notification profiles in 1 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:30 | I [a.AlarmNotificationManager ] [13:07:30]: Successfully upgraded 0 of 0 one way notification profiles in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:30 | I [G.L.A.AlarmNotificationService] [13:07:30]: Remote Alarm Notification Manager initialized successfully. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:30 | I [c.i.i.g.o.KeyStoreManager ] [13:07:30]: Loading KeyStore at C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\opcua\client\security\certificates.pfx INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:31 | I [c.i.i.g.o.KeyStoreManager ] [13:07:31]: Loading KeyStore at C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\opcua\server\security\certificates.pfx INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:31 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:31]: Upgrading schema for module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:31 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.OpcUaServer ] [13:07:31]: Java version: 11.0.18 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:31 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.OpcUaServer ] [13:07:31]: Eclipse Milo OPC UA Stack version: 0.6.9 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:31 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.OpcUaServer ] [13:07:31]: Eclipse Milo OPC UA Server SDK version: 0.6.9 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:33 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.n.OpcUaNamespace ] [13:07:33]: Loaded 2004 nodes in 916ms. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:34 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:34]: Upgrading schema for module "com.inductiveautomation.eam" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Copying native library: TMW64N55.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Copying native library: TMWBaseCPP.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Copying native library: cLibrary.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Copying native library: TMWBase.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Copying native library: TMW61850.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Loading native library: temp\iec6185011205441490873802755\TMW64N55.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Loading native library: temp\iec6185011205441490873802755\TMWBaseCPP.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Loading native library: temp\iec6185011205441490873802755\cLibrary.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Loading native library: temp\iec6185011205441490873802755\TMWBase.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:36 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:07:36]: Loading native library: temp\iec6185011205441490873802755\TMW61850.dll INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:37 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:37]: Finalizing cleanup operations on internal database... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.OAuth2ClientManager ] [13:07:37]: Startup complete in 6 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.EmailProfileManager ] [13:07:37]: Startup complete in 12 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.PersistentRecordSecurityLevelConfigService] [13:07:37]: Started up in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.SecurityLevelManager ] [13:07:37]: Started up in 2 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterConfigService] [13:07:38]: Started up in 9 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterMetricsService] [13:07:38]: Started up in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.IdpAdapterManager ] [13:07:38]: Started up in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.InternalDatabaseRememberedSubjects] [13:07:38]: Started up in 5 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [g.OIDCProviderManager ] [13:07:38]: Started up in 6 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:07:38]: Tag provider initialized. Starting to load tags... provider=System INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:07:38]: Complete tag loading in 41 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [t.manager ] [13:07:38]: Instantiating provider 'default' of type 'STANDARD' INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [t.s.internaljson ] [13:07:38]: Redundancy version token not set for provider 'default', will initialize to system version. provider=default INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:07:38]: Tag provider initialized. Starting to load tags... provider=default INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:07:38]: Complete tag loading in 50 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:38 | I [i.UserSourceManager ] [13:07:38]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:39 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:38]: Upgrading schema for module "" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:39 | I [AuditManager ] [13:07:38]: AuditManager starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:39 | I [A.S.StorageManager ] [13:07:39]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:39 | I [A.N.NotificationManager ] [13:07:39]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:39 | I [ImageManager ] [13:07:39]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:53 | I [ImageManager ] [13:07:53]: Imported 352 builtin images in 14212ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:53 | I [SessionManager ] [13:07:53]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:53 | I [AutomaticThreadDumpManager ] [13:07:53]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:53 | I [c.i.i.g.m.MulticastScheduler ] [13:07:53]: Registered MulticastScheduler on multicast address: using send port 4445 and receive port 4446 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:53 | I [g.ClientFallbackController ] [13:07:53]: Fallback Socket Controller starting. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:54]: Platform module services initialized. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [G.Manager ] [13:07:54]: WSChannel manager started. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [m.M.Routing ] [13:07:54]: Setting max proxy route depth = 0 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | W [g.g.WSChannelManager ] [13:07:54]: Require Two-Way Auth setting is disabled, rendering Gateway Network connections insecure. It is strongly recommended to enable this setting to secure the connections. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.g.WSChannelManager ] [13:07:54]: GAN channel manager started successfully. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.sfc' v5.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SFC INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.serial-support-gateway' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Serial Support Gateway INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.sqlbridge' v10.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SQL Bridge INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.serial-support-client' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Serial Support Client INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opccom' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:07:54]: Removed native resource collector shutdown hook. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.perspective' v2.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Perspective INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.symbol-factory' v7.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Symbol Factory INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.alarm-notification' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Alarm Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:54 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:54]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua' v9.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:07:54]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://prod-sql01:62541 to localhost:62541 [Basic256Sha256/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:07:55]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://prod-sql01:62541/discovery to localhost:62541 [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:07:55]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:62541 to localhost:62541 [Basic256Sha256/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:07:55]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:62541/discovery to localhost:62541 [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:07:55]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp:// to localhost:62541 [Basic256Sha256/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:07:55]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp:// to localhost:62541 [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [c.i.i.g.o.s.IgnitionOpcUaServer] [13:07:55]: Application URI: urn:inductiveautomation:ignition:opcua:server:91de23e9-3f89-45e7-bace-b15bffbff128 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [OpcUaModule ] [13:07:55]: Routes mounted module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.taghistorian' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [h.ModuleHook ] [13:07:55]: Tag Historian module started. module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module '' v11.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Vision INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.reporting' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Reporting INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.eam' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Enterprise Administration INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.sms-notification' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SMS Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module '' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Voice Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [a.N.T.CereEngine ] [13:07:55]: Library path now set to: 'lib;lib\core\gateway;C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\temp;' module-name=Voice Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.tcpudp' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=UDP and TCP Drivers INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.omron' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Omron Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.c.OpcUaClient ] [13:07:55]: Java version: 11.0.18 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.c.OpcUaClient ] [13:07:55]: Eclipse Milo OPC UA Stack version: 0.6.9 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [o.e.m.o.s.c.OpcUaClient ] [13:07:55]: Eclipse Milo OPC UA Client SDK version: 0.6.9 INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.bacnet' v2.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=BACnet Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:55]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.siemens' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Siemens Drivers INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [o.e.m.o.s.c.u.NonceUtil ] [13:07:55]: SecureRandom seeded in 0ms. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Starting up module '' v1.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Mitsubishi Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus' v7.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:56]: Upgrading schema for module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus" module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:07:56]: Upgrading schema for module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus" module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.ablegacy' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Allen-Bradley Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Restarting module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus" INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus' v7.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus" completed in 1 ms module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus' v7.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | W [o.e.m.o.s.c.s.DefaultClientCertificateValidator] [13:07:56]: check suppressed: certificate failed hostname check: C=US,ST=CA,L=Folsom,OU=,O=Inductive Automation,CN=Ignition OPC UA Server INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.iec61850' v1.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=IEC 61850 Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.dnp3' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=DNP3 Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:56 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:07:56]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.logix' v5.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Logix Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:57 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:57]: Ignition[state=STARTING] ContextState = RUNNING INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:57 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:07:57]: Gateway started in 46 seconds. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:07:57 | I [c.i.i.g.o.s.IgnitionOpcUaServer$OpcUaRedundancyListener] [13:07:57]: redundancyStateChanged: Role=Independent, Activity level=Active, Project state=Good, History level=Full INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:08:23 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:08:23]: Upgrading schema for module "" route-group=starter, route-path=/finish INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:38 | I [c.i.i.g.u.BackupRestoreDelegate] [13:10:38]: Starting restore procedure, writing upload to disk... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:38 | I [c.i.i.g.u.BackupRestoreDelegate] [13:10:38]: Restarting gateway in order to load restore. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:38 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:38]: Restarting JVM INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:39]: Ignition[state=RUNNING] ContextState = STOPPING INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:39]: Ignition Gateway shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: ModuleManager shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.logix' v5.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Logix Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.logix" completed in 4 ms module-name=Logix Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.dnp3' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=DNP3 Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.dnp3" completed in 0 ms module-name=DNP3 Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.iec61850' v1.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=IEC 61850 Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.iec61850" completed in 6 ms module-name=IEC 61850 Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.ablegacy' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Allen-Bradley Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.ablegacy" completed in 0 ms module-name=Allen-Bradley Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus' v7.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus" completed in 0 ms module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module '' v1.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Mitsubishi Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "" completed in 0 ms module-name=Mitsubishi Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.siemens' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Siemens Drivers INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.siemens" completed in 1 ms module-name=Siemens Drivers INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.bacnet' v2.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=BACnet Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.bacnet" completed in 1 ms module-name=BACnet Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.omron' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Omron Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.omron" completed in 0 ms module-name=Omron Driver INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.tcpudp' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=UDP and TCP Drivers INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.tcpudp" completed in 0 ms module-name=UDP and TCP Drivers INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module '' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Voice Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "" completed in 7 ms module-name=Voice Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.sms-notification' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SMS Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.sms-notification" completed in 5 ms module-name=SMS Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.eam' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Enterprise Administration INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.eam" completed in 1 ms module-name=Enterprise Administration INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.reporting' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Reporting INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.reporting" completed in 1 ms module-name=Reporting INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module '' v11.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Vision INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "" completed in 1 ms module-name=Vision INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.taghistorian' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [h.ModuleHook ] [13:10:39]: Tag Historian module stopped. module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.taghistorian" completed in 1 ms module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:39 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:39]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua' v9.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:41]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua" completed in 2 seconds module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:41]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.alarm-notification' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Alarm Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:41]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.alarm-notification" completed in 4 ms module-name=Alarm Notification INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:41]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.perspective' v2.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Perspective INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:41]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.perspective" completed in 9 ms module-name=Perspective INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:41]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opccom' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:10:41]: Message loop stopped. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:10:41]: Cleaning up native resource collector. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:10:41]: Shutdown native resource collector. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:10:41]: Native thread killed. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:10:41]: Native resource collector has stopped. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:10:41]: COM-OPC Module shutdown. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:41]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opccom" completed in 18 ms module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:41]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.sqlbridge' v10.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SQL Bridge INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.sqlbridge" completed in 1 ms module-name=SQL Bridge INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.serial-support-gateway' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Serial Support Gateway INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.serial-support-gateway" completed in 0 ms module-name=Serial Support Gateway INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.sfc' v5.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SFC INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.sfc" completed in 1 ms module-name=SFC INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:42]: ModuleManager shut down in 2200ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.g.WSChannelManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down GAN channel manager INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.m.p.GatewayNetworkTrustListManager] [13:10:42]: Watcher got closed role=server INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.m.p.GatewayNetworkTrustListManager] [13:10:42]: Watcher got closed role=client INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:10:42]: Tag provider stopped. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:10:42]: Tag provider stopped. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [t.h.query ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [13:10:42]: OPCManager is shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down connection 'Ignition OPC UA Server'... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutdown of connection 'Ignition OPC UA Server' complete INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [13:10:42]: OPCManager shut down in 2ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [SessionManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [A.N.NotificationManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [A.S.StorageManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [AuditManager ] [13:10:42]: AuditManager shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [i.UserSourceManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.Database ] [13:10:42]: Datasource manager shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [C.BasicExecutionEngine ] [13:10:42]: Execution engine 'Database Connection Validator' shut down in 0ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:10:42]: DBManager shutting down (immediate)... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:10:42]: internal database "config.idb" shutting down... INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:10:42]: internal database "config.idb" shut down in 1ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:10:42]: DBManager shut down in 4ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:42]: Platform module services uninitialized. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [c.i.i.g.m.MulticastScheduler ] [13:10:42]: MulticastScheduler shutting down. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.ClientFallbackController ] [13:10:42]: Fallback Socket Controller shutting down. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [C.BasicExecutionEngine ] [13:10:42]: Execution engine 'MetricHistoryManager' shut down in 0ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.InternalDatabaseRememberedSubjects] [13:10:42]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.OIDCProviderManager ] [13:10:42]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.IdpAdapterManager ] [13:10:42]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterMetricsService] [13:10:42]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterConfigService] [13:10:42]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.SecurityLevelManager ] [13:10:42]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.PersistentRecordSecurityLevelConfigService] [13:10:42]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.EmailProfileManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutdown complete in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [g.OAuth2ClientManager ] [13:10:42]: Shutdown complete in 0 ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:42]: Ignition Gateway shut down in 2280ms INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | 09:10:42,059 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] - Worker thread will flush remaining events before exiting. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | 09:10:42,060 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] - Queue flush finished successfully within timeout. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | 09:10:42,060 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] - Worker thread will flush remaining events before exiting. INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/07/25 09:10:42 | 09:10:42,074 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] - Queue flush finished successfully within timeout. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:10:44 | on_exit trigger matched. Restarting the JVM. (Exit code: 2) STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:10:50 | Reloading Wrapper configuration... STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 09:10:50 | Launching a JVM... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:50 | WrapperManager: Initializing... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,401 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Found resource [C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\\logback.xml] at [file:/C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/data/logback.xml] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,523 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,526 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [SysoutAppender] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,533 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,560 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [com.inductiveautomation.logging.SQLiteAppender] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,573 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [DB] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,802 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.db.DataSourceConnectionSource@80c5c95 - Driver name=SQLite JDBC INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,802 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.db.DataSourceConnectionSource@80c5c95 - Driver version= INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,802 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.db.DataSourceConnectionSource@80c5c95 - supportsGetGeneratedKeys=true INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,817 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,819 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [SysoutAsync] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,819 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [SysoutAppender] to ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,819 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] - Attaching appender named [SysoutAppender] to AsyncAppender. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,820 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] - Setting discardingThreshold to 51 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,821 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,821 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [DBAsync] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,821 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [DB] to ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,821 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] - Attaching appender named [DB] to AsyncAppender. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,821 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] - Setting discardingThreshold to 51 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,822 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.RootLoggerAction - Setting level of ROOT logger to INFO INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,822 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [SysoutAsync] to Logger[ROOT] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,822 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [DBAsync] to Logger[ROOT] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,822 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - End of configuration. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,824 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator@6b30b687 - Registering current configuration as safe fallback point INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | 09:10:51,877 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator@1aa239c5 - Propagating INFO level on Logger[ROOT] onto the JUL framework INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:51 | W [WebResourceManagerImpl ] [13:10:51]: Unable to read "gateway.metroKeystoreAlias" gateway.xml property. Assuming metro keystore alias is: metro-key INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:10:52]: Starting setup INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:10:52]: Setup complete INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | I [g.WebServerManager ] [13:10:52]: Starting up INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | data.dir was not set. Defaulting to C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition/data INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | I [C.SecureRandomProvider ] [13:10:52]: Secure random seed generated in 2ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:52 | I [o.e.j.s.Server ] [13:10:52]: jetty-10.0.15; built: 2023-04-11T17:25:14.480Z; git: 68017dbd00236bb7e187330d7585a059610f661d; jvm 11.0.18+10-LTS INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | 09:10:52,973 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.servlet.LogbackServletContainerInitializer@5da3a9e1 - Due to deployment instructions will NOT register an instance of class ch.qos.logback.classic.servlet.LogbackServletContextListener to the current web-app INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | W [o.e.j.u.DeprecationWarning ] [13:10:53]: Using @Deprecated Class org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.listener.ELContextCleaner INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.e.j.s.s.DefaultSessionIdManager] [13:10:53]: Session workerName=node0 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.Application ] [13:10:53]: [WicketFilter] init: Wicket core library initializer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:10:53]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IBehaviorListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener.onRequest()] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:10:53]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IFormSubmitListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IFormSubmitListener.onFormSubmitted()] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:10:53]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=ILinkListener, method=public abstract void] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:10:53]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IOnChangeListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IOnChangeListener.onSelectionChanged()] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:10:53]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IRedirectListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.IRedirectListener.onRedirect()] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.RequestListenerInterface] [13:10:53]: registered listener interface [RequestListenerInterface name=IResourceListener, method=public abstract void org.apache.wicket.IResourceListener.onResourceRequested()] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.Application ] [13:10:53]: [WicketFilter] init: Wicket extensions initializer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:53]: Ignition[state=STOPPED] ContextState = STARTING INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.a.w.p.h.WebApplication ] [13:10:53]: [WicketFilter] Started Wicket version 6.30.0 in DEPLOYMENT mode INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:53]: Starting Ignition 8.1.30 (b2023071408) INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:53]: Reloading JDBC classloader. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [R.S.S.InternalDb ] [13:10:53]: Internal db synchronizer disk cache initialized. State id=74edcdd3-8d2d-4177-899d-9bf69bed7d21 redundant-provider=internaldb INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [R.StateMonitoring ] [13:10:53]: Redundancy state changed: Role=Independent, Activity level=Active, Project state=Good, History level=Full redundant-provider=system INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:53]: Restoring system due to user initiated restore... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler ] [13:10:53]: Started c.i.c.MainWebAppContext@621701f6{Ignition,/,file:///C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/webserver/webapps/main/,AVAILABLE} INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:53 | I [o.e.j.s.AbstractConnector ] [13:10:53]: Started ServerConnector@1fcac199{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.util.IgnitionSocketImplFactory (file:/C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/lib/core/gateway/gateway-8.1.30.jar) to constructor INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.util.IgnitionSocketImplFactory INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [o.e.j.s.AbstractConnector ] [13:10:54]: Started ServerConnector@5effabda{SSL, (ssl, http/1.1)}{} INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [o.e.j.s.Server ] [13:10:54]: Started Server@3001d74c{STARTING}[10.0.15,sto=10000] @3605ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:54]: Reloading JDBC classloader. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:10:54]: Starting up... [restoring external state] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:10:54]: Starting offline internal database restoration INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:10:54]: Deleting existing database... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:10:54]: Looking for existing internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:10:54]: ... found existing. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:10:54]: internal database "config.idb" started up successfully. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:54 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:10:54]: Registering autobackup task [owner=Internal DB Autobackup, name=internal database "config.idb"] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:55]: Skipping restoration of modules - not present in backup file. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:55 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:10:55]: Loading modules.... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:57 | I [A.Notification ] [13:10:57]: Alert notification system created. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:58 | I [g.PersistentRecordSecurityLevelConfigService] [13:10:58]: Set up in 8 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:58 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterConfigService] [13:10:58]: Set up in 20 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:58 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterMetricsService] [13:10:58]: Set up in 15 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:58 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:10:58]: System properties exist in IDB. Checking if system IdP is set... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:58 | I [g.OAuth2ClientManager ] [13:10:58]: Setup complete in 25 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:58 | I [g.InternalDatabaseRememberedSubjects] [13:10:58]: Set up in 16 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:58 | I [g.OIDCProviderManager ] [13:10:58]: Set up in 16 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:58 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:10:58]: Upgrading schema for module "" INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:59 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:10:59]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition" INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:59 | I [g.EmailProfileManager ] [13:10:59]: Upgraded 0 email profiles in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:59 | I [g.EmailProfileManager ] [13:10:59]: Setup complete in 62 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:59 | I [G.Manager ] [13:10:59]: Setting up trust list managers... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:59 | I [G.Manager ] [13:10:59]: Trust list managers setup completed in 22 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:59 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:10:59]: Upgrading schema for module "" INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:10:59 | I [c.i.i.g.p.r.ProjectRecordConverter] [13:10:59]: Conversion finished. Elapsed time: 51 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:05 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:05]: Setting up modules INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:05 | I [g.LicenseManager ] [13:11:05]: Trial time reset. Time remaining = 7199. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:05 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:11:05]: JNI Library: C:\Windows\TEMP\__416909968__jniwrap-3.10.Build.3.10a2f0c41f-d035-49b1-9c80-50a14aff46e1\jniwrap64.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:07 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:11:07]: Upgrading schema for module "ignition.alarmnotificationmanager" INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:07 | I [a.AlarmNotificationManager ] [13:11:07]: Successfully upgraded 0 of 0 email notification profiles in 1 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:07 | I [a.AlarmNotificationManager ] [13:11:07]: Successfully upgraded 0 of 0 one way notification profiles in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:07 | I [G.L.A.AlarmNotificationService] [13:11:07]: Remote Alarm Notification Manager initialized successfully. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:07 | I [c.i.i.g.o.KeyStoreManager ] [13:11:07]: Loading KeyStore at C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\opcua\client\security\certificates.pfx INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:07 | I [c.i.i.g.o.KeyStoreManager ] [13:11:07]: Loading KeyStore at C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\opcua\server\security\certificates.pfx INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:08 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.OpcUaServer ] [13:11:08]: Java version: 11.0.18 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:08 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.OpcUaServer ] [13:11:08]: Eclipse Milo OPC UA Stack version: 0.6.9 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:08 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.OpcUaServer ] [13:11:08]: Eclipse Milo OPC UA Server SDK version: 0.6.9 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:09 | W [g.LicenseManager ] [13:11:09]: Could not read license from HASP key. HASP login() failed. Last error = 14. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:10 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.n.OpcUaNamespace ] [13:11:10]: Loaded 2004 nodes in 978ms. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:10 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [13:11:10]: Upgrading schema for module "com.inductiveautomation.eam" INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Copying native library: TMW64N55.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Copying native library: TMWBaseCPP.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Copying native library: cLibrary.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Copying native library: TMWBase.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Copying native library: TMW61850.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Loading native library: temp\iec618503710163761720017455\TMW64N55.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Loading native library: temp\iec618503710163761720017455\TMWBaseCPP.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Loading native library: temp\iec618503710163761720017455\cLibrary.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Loading native library: temp\iec618503710163761720017455\TMWBase.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:12 | I [c.i.i.d.i.NativeLoader ] [13:11:12]: Loading native library: temp\iec618503710163761720017455\TMW61850.dll INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:13 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:11:13]: Disabling gateway due to restore settings. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:11:14]: Finalizing cleanup operations on internal database... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.OAuth2ClientManager ] [13:11:14]: Startup complete in 6 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.EmailProfileManager ] [13:11:14]: Startup complete in 8 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.PersistentRecordSecurityLevelConfigService] [13:11:14]: Started up in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.SecurityLevelManager ] [13:11:14]: Started up in 1 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterConfigService] [13:11:14]: Started up in 19 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterMetricsService] [13:11:14]: Started up in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.IdpAdapterManager ] [13:11:14]: Started up in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.InternalDatabaseRememberedSubjects] [13:11:14]: Started up in 6 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:14 | I [g.OIDCProviderManager ] [13:11:14]: Started up in 6 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:11:14]: Tag provider initialized. Starting to load tags... provider=System INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:11:15]: Complete tag loading in 76 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [i.UserSourceManager ] [13:11:15]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [AuditManager ] [13:11:15]: AuditManager starting up... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [A.S.StorageManager ] [13:11:15]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [A.N.NotificationManager ] [13:11:15]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [S.S.HsqlDataStore ] [13:11:15]: Looking for existing store and forward datacache "SQLServer"... store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [S.S.HsqlDataStore ] [13:11:15]: ... no files found, will create. store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:15 | I [S.S.HsqlDataStore ] [13:11:15]: Creating new store and forward datacache "SQLServer". store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:16 | I [S.S.HsqlDataStore ] [13:11:16]: store and forward datacache "SQLServer" started up successfully. store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:16 | I [S.S.StandardDatasourceSFEngine] [13:11:16]: History sink 'SQLServer' started successfully. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:16 | I [ImageManager ] [13:11:16]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:16 | I [Project ] [13:11:16]: Starting project: FlowData project=FlowData INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:16 | I [Project ] [13:11:16]: Starting project: global project=global INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:17 | I [Project ] [13:11:17]: Starting project: Dover_Ignition project=Dover_Ignition INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:17 | I [SessionManager ] [13:11:17]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:17 | I [AutomaticThreadDumpManager ] [13:11:17]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:17 | I [c.i.i.g.m.MulticastScheduler ] [13:11:17]: Registered MulticastScheduler on multicast address: using send port 4445 and receive port 4446 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:17 | I [g.ClientFallbackController ] [13:11:17]: Fallback Socket Controller starting. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:11:18]: Platform module services initialized. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [G.Manager ] [13:11:18]: WSChannel manager started. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [m.M.Routing ] [13:11:18]: Setting max proxy route depth = 1 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | W [g.g.WSChannelManager ] [13:11:18]: Require Two-Way Auth setting is disabled, rendering Gateway Network connections insecure. It is strongly recommended to enable this setting to secure the connections. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.sfc' v5.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SFC INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.serial-support-gateway' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Serial Support Gateway INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.sqlbridge' v10.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SQL Bridge INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [s.ProjectRunner ] [13:11:18]: Project started. module-name=SQL Bridge, project-name=FlowData INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [s.ProjectRunner ] [13:11:18]: Project started. module-name=SQL Bridge, project-name=global INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [s.ProjectRunner ] [13:11:18]: Project started. module-name=SQL Bridge, project-name=Dover_Ignition INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.serial-support-client' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Serial Support Client INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opccom' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [13:11:18]: Removed native resource collector shutdown hook. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:18 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.perspective' v2.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Perspective INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.symbol-factory' v7.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Symbol Factory INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:18]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.alarm-notification' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Alarm Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua' v9.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://prod-sql01:4096 to [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://prod-sql01:4096 to [Basic128Rsa15/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://prod-sql01:4096 to [Basic256Sha256/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://prod-sql01:4096/discovery to [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:4096 to [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:4096 to [Basic128Rsa15/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:4096 to [Basic256Sha256/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:4096/discovery to [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp:// to [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp:// to [Basic128Rsa15/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp:// to [Basic256Sha256/SignAndEncrypt] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [o.e.m.o.s.s.UaStackServer ] [13:11:19]: Binding endpoint opc.tcp:// to [None/None] module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [c.i.i.g.o.s.IgnitionOpcUaServer] [13:11:19]: Application URI: urn:inductiveautomation:ignition:opcua:server:3492d629-020b-41b2-83bb-b7df7fd5eecb INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [OpcUaModule ] [13:11:19]: Routes mounted module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.taghistorian' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [h.ModuleHook ] [13:11:19]: Tag Historian module started. module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module '' v11.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Vision INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.reporting' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Reporting INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.eam' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Enterprise Administration INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.sms-notification' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SMS Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module '' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Voice Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [a.N.T.CereEngine ] [13:11:19]: Library path now set to: 'lib;lib\core\gateway;C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\temp;' module-name=Voice Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.tcpudp' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=UDP and TCP Drivers INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.omron' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Omron Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.bacnet' v2.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=BACnet Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.siemens' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Siemens Drivers INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module '' v1.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Mitsubishi Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:19 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:19]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus' v7.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:20 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:20]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.ablegacy' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Allen-Bradley Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:20 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:20]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.iec61850' v1.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=IEC 61850 Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:20 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:20]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.dnp3' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=DNP3 Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:20 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [13:11:20]: Starting up module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.logix' v5.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Logix Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:20 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:11:20]: Ignition[state=STARTING] ContextState = RUNNING INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:20 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [13:11:20]: Gateway started in 27 seconds. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:11:20 | I [c.i.i.g.o.s.IgnitionOpcUaServer$OpcUaRedundancyListener] [13:11:20]: redundancyStateChanged: Role=Independent, Activity level=Active, Project state=Good, History level=Full INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:12:18 | I [o.a.w.r.PropertiesFactory ] [13:12:18]: Loading properties files from jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/lib/core/gateway/wicket-core-6.30.0.jar!/org/apache/wicket/ with loader org.apache.wicket.resource.IsoPropertiesFilePropertiesLoader@340da6fa INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:12:18 | I [o.a.w.r.PropertiesFactory ] [13:12:18]: Loading properties files from jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/Inductive%20Automation/Ignition/lib/core/gateway/wicket-extensions-6.30.0.jar!/org/apache/wicket/extensions/ with loader org.apache.wicket.resource.IsoPropertiesFilePropertiesLoader@340da6fa INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:15:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:15:54]: Creating auto-backup of internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:15:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:15:55]: Created auto-backup of internal database "config.idb" in 166 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:13 | I [o.e.m.o.s.c.OpcUaClient ] [13:19:13]: Java version: 11.0.18 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:13 | I [o.e.m.o.s.c.OpcUaClient ] [13:19:13]: Eclipse Milo OPC UA Stack version: 0.6.9 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:13 | I [o.e.m.o.s.c.OpcUaClient ] [13:19:13]: Eclipse Milo OPC UA Client SDK version: 0.6.9 INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:13 | I [o.e.m.o.s.c.u.NonceUtil ] [13:19:13]: SecureRandom seeded in 0ms. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:49 | I [d.ControlLogixDriver ] [13:19:49]: Processor info: Vendor=1, Product Type=14, Product Code=56, Revision=20.11, Product Name=1756-L63/A LOGIX5563 device-name=DoverM INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:49 | I [c.i.x.d.a.r.ABControlLogixBrowseRequest] [13:19:49]: [DoverM] Creating browse request using HIGH priority. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:19:55]: Creating auto-backup of internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:19:55]: Created auto-backup of internal database "config.idb" in 171 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:19:59 | E [d.C.ABControlLogixConnectRequest] [13:19:59]: [Wetwell PLC] Firmware version 32.11 not supported by legacy driver. device-name=Wetwell PLC INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:20:02 | I [c.i.x.d.a.r.ABControlLogixBrowseRequest] [13:20:02]: [DoverM] Creating browse nodes. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:20:02 | I [c.i.x.d.a.r.ABControlLogixBrowseRequest] [13:20:02]: [DoverM] Browse complete. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:20:02 | I [d.ControlLogixDriver ] [13:20:02]: [DoverM] Browse complete. device-name=DoverM INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:20:02 | I [d.ControlLogixDriver ] [13:20:02]: [DoverM] Updating tagManager with edit version 1792 with 2111 tags device-name=DoverM INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:21:01 | E [d.C.ABControlLogixConnectRequest] [13:21:01]: [Wetwell PLC] Firmware version 32.11 not supported by legacy driver. device-name=Wetwell PLC INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:21:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:21:55]: Creating auto-backup of internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:21:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:21:55]: Created auto-backup of internal database "config.idb" in 169 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:23:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:23:55]: Creating auto-backup of internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:23:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:23:55]: Created auto-backup of internal database "config.idb" in 163 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:24:21 | E [t.manager ] [13:24:21]: Could not find tag provider with an id of '0' INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:24:21 | I [t.manager ] [13:24:21]: Instantiating provider 'default' of type 'STANDARD' INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:24:21 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:24:21]: Tag provider initialized. Starting to load tags... provider=default INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:24:22 | I [t.m.provider ] [13:24:22]: Complete tag loading in 55 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:24:31 | I [S.S.TagHistoryDatasourceSink ] [13:24:31]: History sink 'SQLServer' started successfully. store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:25:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:25:55]: Creating auto-backup of internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:25:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:25:55]: Created auto-backup of internal database "config.idb" in 163 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:26:37 | I [SystemInfo ] [13:26:37]:"windows server 2022", os.arch="amd64". route-group=config, route-path=/activation/activate/:key INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:26:37 | I [SystemInfo ] [13:26:37]: Validating native library "ignition64"... route-group=config, route-path=/activation/activate/:key INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:26:37 | I [SystemInfo ] [13:26:37]: Validated ignition64 (ignition64.dll) route-group=config, route-path=/activation/activate/:key INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:26:37 | I [SystemInfo ] [13:26:37]: Loading native library "ignition64"... route-group=config, route-path=/activation/activate/:key INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:26:37 | I [SystemInfo ] [13:26:37]: Native library load complete route-group=config, route-path=/activation/activate/:key INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:26:38 | I [g.LicenseManager ] [13:26:38]: Activated license, key="2G2-LWT" route-group=config, route-path=/activation/activate/:key INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:35:55 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:35:55]: Creating auto-backup of internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:35:56 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [13:35:55]: Created auto-backup of internal database "config.idb" in 171 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:40:21 | W [g.ProjectRoutes ] [13:40:21]: Global props were deleted for project global. Creating new props from config edit. route-group=config, route-path=/projects/name/:name INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:40:21 | I [Project ] [13:40:21]: Restarting gateway scripts... project=global INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:40:29 | I [Project ] [13:40:29]: Default database connection has been changed to '' project=FlowData INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:40:29 | I [Project ] [13:40:29]: Restarting gateway scripts... project=FlowData INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:41:13 | I [g.IgnitionProjectManager ] [13:41:13]: Setting LastModification to "external" on FlowData/singleton [ignition/global-props] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:41:13 | I [g.IgnitionProjectManager ] [13:41:13]: Setting LastModification to "external" on global/singleton [ignition/global-props] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:41:13 | I [Project ] [13:41:13]: Restarting gateway scripts... project=FlowData INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:41:13 | I [Project ] [13:41:13]: Restarting gateway scripts... project=global INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:52:08 | I [g.LicenseManager ] [13:52:08]: Activated license, key="2G2-LWT" route-group=config, route-path=/activation/reactivate/:key INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 09:53:09 | I [p.DesignSession ] [13:53:09]: WebSocket disconnected from session. session-project=FlowData INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:09:56 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [16:09:56]: Creating auto-backup of internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:09:56 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [16:09:56]: Created auto-backup of internal database "config.idb" in 161 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:11:56 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [16:11:56]: Creating auto-backup of internal database "config.idb"... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:11:56 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [16:11:56]: Created auto-backup of internal database "config.idb" in 161 ms WARN | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:14:48 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:14:48 | Stopping the Ignition Gateway service... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [o.e.j.s.Server ] [16:14:49]: Stopped Server@3001d74c{STOPPING}[10.0.15,sto=10000] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [o.e.j.s.Server ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown Server@3001d74c{STOPPING}[10.0.15,sto=10000] INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [o.e.j.s.AbstractConnector ] [16:14:49]: Stopped ServerConnector@1fcac199{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [o.e.j.s.AbstractConnector ] [16:14:49]: Stopped ServerConnector@5effabda{SSL, (ssl, http/1.1)}{} INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [16:14:49]: Ignition[state=RUNNING] ContextState = STOPPING INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [16:14:49]: Ignition Gateway shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: ModuleManager shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.logix' v5.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Logix Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.logix" completed in 15 ms module-name=Logix Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.dnp3' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=DNP3 Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.dnp3" completed in 0 ms module-name=DNP3 Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.iec61850' v1.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=IEC 61850 Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.iec61850" completed in 16 ms module-name=IEC 61850 Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.ablegacy' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Allen-Bradley Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.ablegacy" completed in 0 ms module-name=Allen-Bradley Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus' v7.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.modbus" completed in 0 ms module-name=Modbus Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module '' v1.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Mitsubishi Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "" completed in 0 ms module-name=Mitsubishi Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.siemens' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Siemens Drivers INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.siemens" completed in 0 ms module-name=Siemens Drivers INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.bacnet' v2.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=BACnet Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.bacnet" completed in 0 ms module-name=BACnet Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.omron' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Omron Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.omron" completed in 0 ms module-name=Omron Driver INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.tcpudp' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=UDP and TCP Drivers INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua.drivers.tcpudp" completed in 0 ms module-name=UDP and TCP Drivers INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module '' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Voice Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "" completed in 0 ms module-name=Voice Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.sms-notification' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SMS Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.sms-notification" completed in 10 ms module-name=SMS Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.eam' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Enterprise Administration INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.eam" completed in 6 ms module-name=Enterprise Administration INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.reporting' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Reporting INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.reporting" completed in 0 ms module-name=Reporting INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module '' v11.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Vision INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "" completed in 0 ms module-name=Vision INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.taghistorian' v4.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [h.ModuleHook ] [16:14:49]: Tag Historian module stopped. module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.taghistorian" completed in 0 ms module-name=Tag Historian INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:49 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:49]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opcua' v9.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opcua" completed in 2 seconds module-name=OPC-UA INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.alarm-notification' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Alarm Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.alarm-notification" completed in 0 ms module-name=Alarm Notification INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.perspective' v2.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Perspective INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.perspective" completed in 21 ms module-name=Perspective INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.opccom' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [16:14:51]: Message loop stopped. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [16:14:51]: Cleaning up native resource collector. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown native resource collector. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [16:14:51]: Native thread killed. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [16:14:51]: Native resource collector has stopped. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [c.i.o.ModuleHook ] [16:14:51]: COM-OPC Module shutdown. module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.opccom" completed in 16 ms module-name=OpcCom INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.sqlbridge' v10.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SQL Bridge INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [s.ProjectRunner ] [16:14:51]: Project shutdown. module-name=SQL Bridge, project-name=FlowData INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [s.ProjectRunner ] [16:14:51]: Project shutdown. module-name=SQL Bridge, project-name=global INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [s.ProjectRunner ] [16:14:51]: Project shutdown. module-name=SQL Bridge, project-name=Dover_Ignition INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.sqlbridge" completed in 0 ms module-name=SQL Bridge INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.serial-support-gateway' v6.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=Serial Support Gateway INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.serial-support-gateway" completed in 0 ms module-name=Serial Support Gateway INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down module 'com.inductiveautomation.sfc' v5.1.30 (b2023071408)... module-name=SFC INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of module "com.inductiveautomation.sfc" completed in 0 ms module-name=SFC INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [g.ModuleManager ] [16:14:51]: ModuleManager shut down in 2309ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [c.i.m.p.GatewayNetworkTrustListManager] [16:14:51]: Watcher got closed role=server INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:51 | I [c.i.m.p.GatewayNetworkTrustListManager] [16:14:51]: Watcher got closed role=client INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [t.m.provider ] [16:14:51]: Tag provider stopped. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [t.m.provider ] [16:14:51]: Tag provider stopped. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [t.h.query ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [16:14:51]: OPCManager is shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down connection 'OPCUA'... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of connection 'OPCUA' complete INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutting down connection 'Kepware'... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [16:14:51]: Shutdown of connection 'Kepware' complete INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [G.OpcConnectionManager ] [16:14:52]: OPCManager shut down in 13ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [SessionManager ] [16:14:52]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [A.N.NotificationManager ] [16:14:52]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [A.S.StorageManager ] [16:14:52]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [AuditManager ] [16:14:52]: AuditManager shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [i.UserSourceManager ] [16:14:52]: Shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [S.S.HsqlDataStore ] [16:14:52]: Datacache store shutting down... store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [S.S.HsqlDataStore ] [16:14:52]: store and forward datacache "SQLServer" shutting down... store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [S.S.HsqlDataStore ] [16:14:52]: store and forward datacache "SQLServer" shut down in 127ms store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [S.S.HsqlDataStore ] [16:14:52]: Datacache store shut down in 127 ms store-forward-name=SQLServer INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.Database ] [16:14:52]: Datasource manager shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [C.BasicExecutionEngine ] [16:14:52]: Execution engine 'Database Connection Validator' shut down in 0ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [16:14:52]: DBManager shutting down (immediate)... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [16:14:52]: internal database "config.idb" shutting down... INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [P.InternalDatabase ] [16:14:52]: internal database "config.idb" shut down in 0ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.InternalDatabaseManager ] [16:14:52]: DBManager shut down in 0ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [16:14:52]: Platform module services uninitialized. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [c.i.i.g.m.MulticastScheduler ] [16:14:52]: MulticastScheduler shutting down. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.ClientFallbackController ] [16:14:52]: Fallback Socket Controller shutting down. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [C.BasicExecutionEngine ] [16:14:52]: Execution engine 'MetricHistoryManager' shut down in 0ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.InternalDatabaseRememberedSubjects] [16:14:52]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.OIDCProviderManager ] [16:14:52]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.IdpAdapterManager ] [16:14:52]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterMetricsService] [16:14:52]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.PersistentRecordIdpAdapterConfigService] [16:14:52]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.SecurityLevelManager ] [16:14:52]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.PersistentRecordSecurityLevelConfigService] [16:14:52]: Shut down in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.EmailProfileManager ] [16:14:52]: Shutdown complete in 1 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [g.OAuth2ClientManager ] [16:14:52]: Shutdown complete in 0 ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [16:14:52]: Ignition Gateway shut down in 2625ms INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | 12:14:52,127 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] - Worker thread will flush remaining events before exiting. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | 12:14:52,143 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[SysoutAsync] - Queue flush finished successfully within timeout. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | 12:14:52,143 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] - Worker thread will flush remaining events before exiting. INFO | jvm 2 | 2023/07/25 12:14:52 | 12:14:52,159 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender[DBAsync] - Queue flush finished successfully within timeout. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:14:53 | <-- Wrapper Stopped INFO | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:14:54 | Waiting to stop... STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:14:55 | Ignition Gateway service stopped. WARN | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Starting the Ignition Gateway service... WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:00 | <-- Wrapper Stopped ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:15:02 | The Ignition Gateway service was launched, but failed to start. ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:15:02 | Please check the log file for more information: C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\logs\wrapper.log WARN | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Starting the Ignition Gateway service... WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:06 | <-- Wrapper Stopped ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:15:08 | The Ignition Gateway service was launched, but failed to start. ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:15:08 | Please check the log file for more information: C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\logs\wrapper.log WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:44 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:44 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:44 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:44 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:44 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:44 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:44 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:15:45 | <-- Wrapper Stopped WARN | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Starting the Ignition Gateway service... WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:16:14 | <-- Wrapper Stopped ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:16:16 | The Ignition Gateway service was launched, but failed to start. ERROR | wrapperm | 2023/07/25 12:16:16 | Please check the log file for more information: C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\logs\wrapper.log WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:15 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:15 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:28:16 | <-- Wrapper Stopped WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:29:28 | <-- Wrapper Stopped WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:35:41 | <-- Wrapper Stopped WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:53 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:53 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:36:54 | <-- Wrapper Stopped WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:39:49 | <-- Wrapper Stopped WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:22 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:22 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:23 | <-- Wrapper Stopped WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:31 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:31 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:41:32 | <-- Wrapper Stopped WARN | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:44 | The 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable was referenced but has not been defined. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:44 | --> Wrapper Started as Service STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.42 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Licensed to Inductive Automation for Inductive Automation STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Unable to execute Java command. The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Advice: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Usually when the Wrapper fails to start the JVM process, it is ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | because of a problem with the value of the configured Java command. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Currently: ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Please make sure that the PATH or any other referenced environment ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | variables are correctly defined for the current environment. ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVICE | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | FATAL | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | Failed to resolve the version of Java. STATUS | wrapper | 2023/07/25 12:42:45 | <-- Wrapper Stopped