INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:00]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:02]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:06]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:10]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:12]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:14]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:16]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:18]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:20]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:22]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:26]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:30]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:32]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:34]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:36]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:38]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:40]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:42]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:46]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:46]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/2/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/2/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/2/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/2/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:50]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:52]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:54]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:56]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:57:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:57:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:02]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:04]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:06]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:08]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:10]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:12]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:16]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:20]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:22]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:24]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:30]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:32]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:36]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:40]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:42]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:44]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:46]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:48]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:50]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:58:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:58:58]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:00 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:00]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:01 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:01]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:02 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:02]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:03 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:03]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:04 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:04]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:05 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:05]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:06 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:06]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:07 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:07]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:08 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:08]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:09 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:09]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:10 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:10]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:11 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:11]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:12 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:12]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:13 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:13]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:14 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:14]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:15 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:15]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:16]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:16 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:16]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:17 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:17]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:18 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:18]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:19 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:19]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:20 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:20]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:21 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:21]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:21 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:21]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:21 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:21]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:21 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:21]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:21 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:21]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:21 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:21]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:22 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:22]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:23 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:23]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:24 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:24]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:25 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:25]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:26]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:26 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:26]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:27 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:27]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:28 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:28]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:29 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:29]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:30 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:30]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:31 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:31]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:32 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:32]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:33 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:33]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/2/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/3/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:34 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:34]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:36 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:36]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:37 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:37]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:38 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:38]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:39 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:39]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:40 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:40]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:41 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:41]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:42 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:42]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:43 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:43]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:44 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:44]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:45 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:45]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:46 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:46]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/2/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/2/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/2/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/2/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/3/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/3/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/3/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/3/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:47 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:47]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:48]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:48 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:48]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:49 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:49]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:50 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:50]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:51 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:51]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:52 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:52]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:53 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:53]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:54]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:54]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:54 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:54]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:55 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:55]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:56 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:56]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:57 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:57]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/metrics/1/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/HouseNumber/seq - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/P/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:58 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:58]: JSON value for 'PrusaMK3_1/temperature/A/target' is NULL INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/name - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/timestamp - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/dataType - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/metrics/0/value - Remove it from future payloads INFO | jvm 1 | 2023/03/05 08:59:59 | E [c.c.m.e.g.j.JsonPayloadHandler] [14:59:59]: Failed to handle tagPath - not adding tag: spBv1.0/My MQTT Group/DDATA/Edge Node 5cf518/Watchdog Test/seq - Remove it from future payloads