[11961] Ignition 7.9.10 - possible bug with alarm journal - missed data in alarm_event_data?

Does anybody noticed any similar issue about alarm journal ?

#91766 - alarm journal query - label

With the component alarm journal query, the label is correctly displayed for alarm in state : active unack and clear unack.
For the row for the alarm in state clear ack, the label is replaced by the alarm name

It seems to me that the label is not stored in the alarm_event_data for the ack events.

#91770 - Acknowledge alarm don’t capture associated data

When an alarm go active or cleared, alarm associated data are well stored in the alarm_event_data for the alarm journal. But for the acknownledge state of the same alarm, associated data are not stored in the alarm_event_data for the alarm journal.

alarm_events :

# id, eventid, source, displaypath, priority, eventtype, eventflags, eventtime
'2964', '75053da2-e053-4ba3-adb0-0f585adee624', 'prov:default:/tag:TVG/TEL/ITP01/01002/TA/APPEL:/alm:Alarme', 'INT9012', '1', '1', '24', '2019-03-27 14:18:23'
'2963', '75053da2-e053-4ba3-adb0-0f585adee624', 'prov:default:/tag:TVG/TEL/ITP01/01002/TA/APPEL:/alm:Alarme', 'INT9012', '1', '2', '0', '2019-03-27 14:18:33'
'2962', '75053da2-e053-4ba3-adb0-0f585adee624', 'prov:default:/tag:TVG/TEL/ITP01/01002/TA/APPEL:/alm:Alarme', 'INT9012', '1', '2', '0', '2019-03-27 14:18:33'
'2961', '75053da2-e053-4ba3-adb0-0f585adee624', 'prov:default:/tag:TVG/TEL/ITP01/01002/TA/APPEL:/alm:Alarme', 'INT9012', '1', '0', '0', '2019-03-27 14:18:03'

alarm_event_data :

# id, propname, dtype, intvalue, floatvalue, strvalue
'2964', 'setpointA', '1', NULL, '1', NULL
'2964', 'eventValue', '0', '0', NULL, NULL
'2964', 'notification', '2', NULL, NULL, 'oui'
'2964', 'activePipeline', '2', NULL, NULL, 'pipeline_notification'
'2964', 'interphonie', '2', NULL, NULL, 'oui'
'2964', 'name', '2', NULL, NULL, 'Alarme'
'2964', 'label', '2', NULL, NULL, 'INT9012 - Appel en cours'
'2964', 'numQuai', '2', NULL, NULL, '2'
'2964', 'priority', '0', '1', NULL, NULL
'2964', 'displayPath', '2', NULL, NULL, 'INT9012'
'2964', 'enabled', '0', '1', NULL, NULL
'2964', 'numStation', '2', NULL, NULL, '1'
'2963', 'ackUser', '2', NULL, NULL, 'usr-prov:default:/usr:admin'
'2963', 'ackNotes', '2', NULL, NULL, 'APPEL TRANSFERE SUR POSTE TEL Téléphone PCC Poste 1 par admin'
'2962', 'ackUser', '2', NULL, NULL, 'usr-prov:default:/usr:admin'
'2962', 'ackNotes', '2', NULL, NULL, 'APPEL TRANSFERE SUR POSTE TEL Téléphone PCC Poste 1 par admin'
'2961', 'setpointA', '1', NULL, '1', NULL
'2961', 'eventValue', '0', '1', NULL, NULL
'2961', 'notification', '2', NULL, NULL, 'oui'
'2961', 'activePipeline', '2', NULL, NULL, 'pipeline_notification'
'2961', 'interphonie', '2', NULL, NULL, 'oui'
'2961', 'name', '2', NULL, NULL, 'Alarme'
'2961', 'label', '2', NULL, NULL, 'INT9012 - Appel en cours'
'2961', 'numQuai', '2', NULL, NULL, '2'
'2961', 'priority', '0', '1', NULL, NULL
'2961', 'displayPath', '2', NULL, NULL, 'INT9012'
'2961', 'enabled', '0', '1', NULL, NULL
'2961', 'numStation', '2', NULL, NULL, '1'

Associated data “interphonie” is not present for the acknowledge event !

This is a known bug. IA Support explanation :
It appears the issue has to do with acknowledge events ONLY inserting the acknowledging user and ack notes in the alarm_events_data table and not anything else.

@KathyApplebaum, if you are still in charge of 7.9.X new release, do you know if the fix would be in the 7.9.11 ? This issue is very annoying with 2 or more issues related to it in alarm history query and journal.

Sorry, not in charge of any releases any more and I don’t have any info on the release schedule. I’ll ping someone with more insight than I have.

Hi @mazeyrat,

This currently is not planned for 7.9.11, but let me get back to you. I will try to get a better estimation on when you can expect this.

Thanks @awalker, I’m very interested for an ETA for the fix in 7.9.X and 8.0.
I stay tuned.

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7.9.11-rc1 is available to download.
I don’t see the fix for this bug.
We will have to wait for 7.9.12 ??? Do you have a ETA for this fix ?
We really need this fix for several current project !

In Nightly Changelog: 8.0.2- b20190508
13654: Adding runtime data when constructing alarm ack event
User and notes are stored in the alarm journal on alarm acknowledgement
is the fix for this bug ???


I’ll look into these two. Since it appears they’ve been fixed in 8.0.2, I think we should be able to backport them for you into the 7.9.11 final, as a special case because it’s been so long.

I want to say in general though that 7.9.11 has been unfortunately delayed way too long due to work on 8. We’ve been collecting and organizing the tickets for 7.9.12, of which there are several important fixes, and will be pushing to get those in and get 7.9.12 released in a reasonable time frame (such as 6 or so weeks after 7.9.11, with beta/rc earlier).

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Thank for the feedback !
I’m pleased to see that 7.9.11 is not the last version of the 7.9 branch.