Ad Hoc Trends DB save/load not working

I imported Ad Hoc Trends (v1.0.6) into my project (8.1.7) if I launch a client session I can select the database (also configure if logged in with admin account) but I cannot save and then load my chart settings. I saw from an old post someone had the same issue but it seems that V1.0.6 fixed that issue. Might it be due to Ignition version 8.1.7 or am I missing something on my side?

Hello @hventer23, I was able to import the resource into a fresh install of 8.1.7 and save/load chart configuration from a MySQL database. Please share some more details around what you’re seeing:

  • Have you enabled a DB, did it create any tables?
  • Are there any error messages?
  • What database are you using?
  • When selecting the load configuration and save configuration buttons does anything happen?

Hi @sjohnson, thank you for the response!

I went back to get you the info and saw that you need to select the new name you give your saved trend from the dropdown and not just type it and press save…So now it is working. I don’t know how I made such a simple mistake…

One more thing, how does one delete/rename a saved chart, I see I can update and save over an existing chart, but I can’t delete or rename it?

No problem, glad you got that working! There isn’t a way to rename or delete charts besides saving over existing ones but I can certainly pass that feedback along. It would also be possible for you to implement for your project by updating the interface and creating a couple of new SQL queries.

Thanks @sjohnson, I was thinking of doing it myself but I just wanted to make sure if there is a way which I am just missing.