Ignition 7.9 to 8.1 Upgrade issue with Expression binding

In 7.9 we created the below expression to basically hide data that did not exist. It worked great. After we upgraded our project to 8.1.3, it will not work anymore. Based on the documentation for 8.1 data quality for Vision hasn’t really changed. I have ran through just about every dataQuality to see if I am missing something, but based on the tag icon warning it indicates “Not_Found” which is expected. I was under the impression scripting would change but not expression language, is that correct?

Any ideas what might be causing this not to work?

({Analog_Tag_OPC.Numeric Text Field.dataQuality} != 404) && ({Analog_Tag_OPC.Numeric Text Field.dataQuality} != 410)

Based this page, 404 indicated the Not_Found error.

See here. Some other gotchas there too