Load image from DB into Image object

The following code will display a BLOB as the ‘icon’ on a Label component:

from javax.swing import ImageIcon
from java.io import ByteArrayInputStream
from javax.imageio import ImageIO
from java.awt import Image
from java.net import URL
from java.io import File

image = # your readfileasbytes output
bais = ByteArrayInputStream(image)
bImageFromConvert = ImageIO.read(bais)
lbl3 = event.source.parent.getComponent('lblImage3')
boundWidth = lbl3.width
boundHeight = lbl3.height
originalWidth = bImageFromConvert.width
originalHeight = bImageFromConvert.height
newWidth = originalWidth
newHeight = originalHeight
if originalWidth > boundWidth:
	newWidth = boundWidth
	newHeight = (newWidth * originalHeight) / originalWidth
if newHeight > boundHeight:
	newHeight = boundHeight
	newWidth = (newHeight * originalWidth) / originalHeight
scaledImage = bImageFromConvert.getScaledInstance(newWidth,newHeight,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)