Nightly 8.0 Changelogs - 2020

This post contains changelog entries for nightly builds available in 2020.
Previous change logs can be found here:
Nightly Changelogs - 2019

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.8-b20200106

Ignition Platform

15453: Clearing out all objects of type ProjectScriptModules from the ScriptManager
Fixed an issue where changes made to script packages were not being represented in the designer.

15610: Adjusting Tag History Sample Rate requires a tag restart to take effect
Changes to the tag history sample rate no longer require a tag restart to take effect.

15284: system.tag.browse() doesn’t work with empty path outside Vision
The system.tag.browse() function now works with an empty path when called from the gateway and perspective.

15578: Exporting/Importing Tags as XML converts all custom property types to String
Fixed an issue where tag imports were changing the type of custom properties to strings.

15171: “Error writing to value.value: Bad_Unsupported” in Tag Browser writing directly to .value property of an OPC tag
Prevented an error that could occur when writing to the value property of an OPC tag.


14050: Implement Alarm Journal Table, enhance filtering of alarm tables, make tables responsive.
Implement Perspective Alarm Journal Table component

14009: Add priority filters to Perspective Alarm Status Table
The Alarm Status Table component now has priority filters preconfigured under the searching tools, similar to how there are state filters.

14527: Browser memory leak no longer caused by Perspective project updates
Fix browser memory leaks in Perspective by upgrading major libraries. Use browser with no extensions to see best results.


15429: Shift-click multi-select in the alarm status table
Added support for multi-selection in Vision’s alarm status table.

15595: Avoid running ActionAdapter actions after it has been shutdown
Prevents an IllegalStateException that could occur on Vision Property Change scripts after logging out of the client.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.8-b20200107

Ignition Platform

15583: Shelved alarms are missing if shelved simultaneously with those from another tag provider
Fixed an issue where simultaneously shelving different alarms would result in only some of the alarms being listed as shelved.


15742: Increase Ignition IdP Authentication UI HTTP Timeout from 10s to 120s
Increased the default identity provider authentication UI HTTP timeout from 10 to 120 seconds


9673: Update KeyPressed event description
The keyPressed component event description is now showing the correct description.

Edit: Build Issue

It appears there was some trouble in the nightly build on this date, so the changes mentioned in this post are not yet available. Will update once newer builds are available again.
The issue was resolved.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.8-b20200108

Ignition Platform

15645: lower the client/gateway comms debounce to 10ms
Reduced the debounce period for client-gateway communications from 250ms to 10ms.


14895: fixed handling of datasets passed as parameters to views
Improved type consistency when passing datasets as view parameter values.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.8-b20200110


15319: Nightly publishing
Nightly build numbers now include date they were generated, making it easier to tell when a new nightly is available.

Enterprise Administration

14175: Switch to Apache HttpClient for gateway network http channel
The gateway network is now better able to handle transferring large files from one gateway to another.

Ignition Platform

15582: Update Edge module licensing restrictions
Prevents 3rd party modules from being installed on unlicensed Edge gateways.

15109: Use selected server name in OPC discovery wizard
The OPC discovery wizard will now suggest a name appropriate for the selected server.


12842: added getter for getting current session information
Session objects now have a .info attribute and a .getInfo() method that can return session information from a script.

15378, 15437: horizontal menu in docks behavior
Made several improvements to the Horizontal Menu component regarding how it resizes in various containers.

14134: Allow horizontal menu items to expand upwards
Horizontal menu items placed in a bottom docked view will expand upwards, instead of expanding in the middle of the view.

14895: fixed handling of datasets passed as parameters to views
Improved type consistency when passing datasets as view parameter values.


14918: custom methods need access to the system library
Fixed an issue where custom methods couldn’t access the system library when called from the visionWindowOpened event.

15714: Handle null values bound to number format
Windows can now be opened when null is bound to the number format of a Moving Analog Indicator.


Nightly Changelog: 8.0.8-b20200114

Enterprise Administration

15238: Fix for EAM remote upgrade on Linux Edge
Fixed an issue where remote upgrades would fail on Linux and ARM environments.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.8-b20200115

Ignition Platform

15776: Use the renamed properties from DBCP2
Fixed a regression where changes to the Max Active and Max wait properties on database connections were not taking effect.

15679: Making the format argument in optional
The format argument in is now optional


13899: perspective alignment toolbar
New alignment tools are available in the Perspective Designer Toolbar. These tools allow easy alignment of selected components within a Coordinate Container including align top, bottom, left, right, as a row, and as a stack. Align as row, and align as stack include a normalize version, that adjusts the size of the selected components to match the component that was selected first.

Rotated components being aligned will correctly align along the top-most, bottom-most, left-most, right-most point of the rotated component, however normalizing the component will adjust the pre-rotated dimensions.

The preview button will now toggle between the preview and stop icons respectively.

New buttons for zooming in, out, and 100% have also been added to the Perspective Toolbar.


13580: Issue with table cursor in vision custom property editor
Fixed issue in custom property editor that could cause a ghost cursor in the table if the add property button was clicked twice.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200122

Allen-Bradley Drivers

15788: Don’t ignore timeout exceptions during Logix browse
Fail and retry the browse when browsing global scope or any program scope times out.

Ignition Platform

13603: Pasting json into tag browser not working
Added a “Copy JSON” context menu item to non-client tags in the Tag Browser, which will copy the JSON for the select tags into the system clipboard. In addition, pasting the JSON into a different provider/designer will now create/overwrite tags (depending on where the pasting occurs).

15546: Safeguard against circular references in composite schedules
Prevents a stack overflow that could occur when composite schedules contain circular references.

15636: Provide Umbrella Scope For targeting Clients And Sessions In Same SendMessage Call
Fixed an issue where some scope combinations were not correctly parsed by the system.util.sendMessage function. In addition, will automatically set the scope to “CS” if the username, password, or hostname parameters are specified. Otherwise defaults to “CGS”

15653: Launchers should support launching against gateways w/o bundled JREs
Launchers will now attempt to download a Java Runtime Environment from the gateway if the launcher is missing its bundled JRE. If the gateway doesn’t have any bundled JREs, then the launcher will attempt to use the local system’s java.

15627: ClassCastException thrown when browsing dataset query tags from 7.9 remote tag provider
Prevents an exception that occurred when an 8.0 gateway is browsing tags from a 7.9 remote tag provider.


15775: Moving/Resizing components in a percent mode coordinate container causes issues
Moving/resizing components inside of a Coordinate Container set to Percent Mode will no longer cause the components to become unusable.

15191: Perspective dataset viewer can open partially off-screen
Perspective’s dataset viewer will now attempt to open on-screen.

15561: Multiple series in a plot creates minimum width
Multiple trends in the same plot that use the same axis will now be able to collapse down horizontally as expected (when resizing the chart) where the visible axis will remain a consistent size and the data that is plotted will collapse.

15770: Unexpected promise rejection loading view store: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘type’ of null
Prevented a type error that could when embedding a view.

15413: Prevent the map component from erroring when a map view marker is removed
Made the map component more resilient to view layers being removed.

15167: Perspective icon library is missing some icons, color property doesn’t apply properly
Added missing icons to the default icon library. All Material icons should now be accessible to perspective projects. In addition, all Material Icons now properly honor the color prop for the Icon Component.

14972: Log events that happen in Perspective to the Audit Log
Perspective sessions will now generate entries in an assigned audit profile when the following actions occur: login, logout, tag writes from a component binding.

13759: Style Editor UI Update
Perspective’s style editor interface has been updated to provide a better user experience.


15818: Pull the text out of LinkedText on copy
Fixed an issue where copy/pasting LinkedText from a reporting TextShape component could potentially cause the report designer to become unresponsive.

15710: Renaming a report currently open in designer creates a duplicate copy of the report
Renaming reports open in the designer will now rename the original report instead of creating a new report.

15825:Invalid format string specifier in ReportingGatewayHook$RPC#execute
Fixed a formatting issue on a trace-level gateway logger.


14303: Add overload to system.util.retarget to allow passing backup address(es) in case primary retarget destination is not available
Added the ability to specify a sequence of gateway addresses to system.util.retarget, to allow seamless retargeting to a redundant pair.

15656: Stack overflow in PMITabStrip getBackground
Prevents a stack overflow that could occur on the Tab Strip component.

15510: system.gui.errorBox and warningBox ignore desktop handles
system.gui.errorBox and system.gui.warningBox now take the desktop into account when deciding their position.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200123

Ignition Platform

15841:ProjectDownload.getDiffs() uses unsafe java deserialization and opens up RCE attack vector
Prevents a security issue that could enable attackers to remotely execute code on a gateway.

15848: Gateway Network deserialization vulnerability
Prevents a security issue that could enable attackers to remotely execute code on a gateway via the gateway network.


Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200130

Ignition Platform

15277: set a new default value when DataType changes without Value
Prevents a write exception that could occur when writing to elements in memory tag arrays after switching the data type of the tag.

15455: Update default for zero-based column the safe way
Fixed an issue with the zero-based addressing setting not being applied consistently when creating devices via system.device.addDevice.

15843: remove vulnerable dependencies found at ZDI 2020
Removed outdated and unnecessary Java dependencies.


15502: Fullscreen Component Action
Added a new action will cause the browser to enter full-screen mode on a targeted view or page.

14308 Moving/Copy pasting client tags into folders doesn’t work
Fixed an issue where client tags couldn’t be copy/pasted or moved from within the Vision Client Tags folder.

15182: Video Player Continues Playing While Seek Handle Is Held By User
When paused, seeking to another point in the video will no longer cause the video to start playing.


15729: Indirect tag bindings update even when references are bad, causing unnecessary churn
Prevents indirect tag bindings from updating in cases where referenced values are bad quality, or null.


Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200131

13674: Report Viewer Component
Introduces perspective’s Report Viewer component, providing perspective sessions a means of rendering reports from the Reporting module. See this post for more details:

15730: Time Series Chart - Auto-Range Option for Axes Configured via Properties
When building an axis via the plots --> axes property, the min and max axis value properties now default to empty. If left empty (or set to null), those values are now derived based on the trends that are bound to that axis. If a value is provided for the min/max properties, that value is used rather than the derived value.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200203

No updates

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200204

Ignition Platform

14653: Renaming UDT Instance that’s nested in a UDT results in null value
Fixed an issue where the “jsonvalues” property on nested UDT instances would result in null values after renaming the instance.

Serial Support

15878: Serial Support Module configurePort Ignores Constructor Arguments
Fixed an issue where the system.serial.configurePort function was ignoring certain arguments.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200205


15811: Perspective Components colIndex returning null in column container
Made a change that will prevent the LED Display, Cylindrical Tank, Moving Analog Indicator, and Thermometer components from returning a null value for colIndex when placed in a column container.

15736: Led Display in flex displays selection box in the wrong spot
Fixed an issue where the LED Display’s selection box would be offset from the component while placed in a flex container

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200206


15923: Authentication bypass possible via websocket hijacking
Implemented defenses against cross-origin hijacking of the perspective websocket.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200207

Ignition Platform

15780 Commissioning suppl. licenses load user-lib from main web.xml
Fixed an issue where the user-lib path used by supplemental licenses during commissioning was incorrect.

15785: Pasting JSON into the tag browser fails silently
When pasting JSON into the tag browser fails, an error dialog will now be presented.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200210

Ignition Platform

15780: Commissioning supplemental licenses load user-lib from main web.xml
Fixed an issue where the user-lib path used by supplemental licenses during commissioning was incorrect.


15967: Defend against possible Denial of Service (DoS) in Perspective
Added defenses against a possible Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
As a result, access to system.perspective.debug and system.perspective.alterLogging will now be restricted by default. The use of these functions can be instituted by enabling perspective client logging in the gateway’s system properties (-Dperspective.enable-client-logging=true) and restarting the gateway.


12756: Pie chart improvements
Made several performance improvements, and several formatting properties for the various labels on the perspective pie chart component.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200211

Ignition Platform

15218: Windows Client Launcher support for “all user” install
Both the Vision Client and Designer Launchers can now be installed as “all user” applications on Windows operating systems, providing launcher access to all users on the same machine from a single installation. The option will only appear on new installations of the launchers.