Nightly 8.0 Changelogs - 2020

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.15-b20200707

Ignition Platform

16547: Add argument to system.util.invokeAsync in all scopes to set task description
Added a ‘description’ argument to system.util.invokeAsynchronous, which allows you to set the description of the asynchronous thread, to view on the script diagnostics pages for your current scope.


16729: Equipment Schedule: Unhelpful error if pctDone or leadTime columns in scheduled events dataset contains null values
Prevented a null pointer exception on the Equipment Schedule component if the pctDone or leadTime columns contained null values.

16700: InvocationTargetException in designer when collapsing Appearance section in Vision prop editor if animation is set up
An NPE is no longer thrown when a Style Customizer is set on a component property and that property is collapsed in the Designer’s Vision Property Editor.