Nightly 8.0 Changelogs - 2020

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.9-b20200213

Ignition Platform

13361: Concurrent Users Designer Interface
Added the Concurrent Users interface to the Designer. This new UI allows users to see which resources are open in other Designers, as well as show when a project update is available.

15829: IllegalStateException when importing UDT instances
Fixed an issue where importing UDT instances would fail with an exception in cases where the instance did not contain a “dataType” property.

15501: Reference to OPC tag in direct tag group can cause leased subscriptions
Fixed an issue where OPC tags in Direct tag groups would occasionally get subscribed at a default “leased” rate regardless of tag group, depending on references to the tags.


15819: Tags Are Showing Multiple Times In OPC Browser When Dairy Simulator Is Used
Removed duplicate tags in the programmable simulator’s “Dairy Simulator” program.