Nightly 8.0 Changelogs - 2020


Nightly Changelog: 8.0.11-b20200317

Ignition Platform

16069: Switch GcuInterface log message level from INFO to DEBUG
Updated the log level of gwcmd related messages from INFO to DEBUG, since they were too noisy. The logs should be a bit more sane now.


16183: Dashboard widget instances output / in-out parameters don’t write back if falsy
Fixed an issue where changes to in-out and output parameters on widgets in the Dashboard component would not be represented on the Dashboard’s properties. Specifically, in cases where the parameters were empty strings or false.

16030 Perspective Time Series / Chart Range Selector - User-defined Time Axis Labels
This update exposes a “format” property under the timeAxis --> tick --> label property structure for both the Chart Range Selector and the Time Series Chart components. There are several suggestions provided to the user, and the user can also enter any Moment.js string to represent whatever date/time format they prefer (if none of the suggestions will work for them).

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