Perspective Map

Along those same lines: When I take the existing markers from the Map like this:

markers = self.getSibling("Map").props.layers.ui.marker

I can view and manipulate. However, the append method doesn't seem to work. For example, I'm reading an array with a length of 2 (i.e. two markers) and when I try to appends like this (from the example above):


I get the error:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 2 out of bounds for length 2

However, if I start with an empty list I can append. The Map component appears to be using a PyArray however according to the documentation I've seen this should behave like the list's append method. I must be missing something.

About the marker Icons: I can change the marker icon and size, however seem to be unable to change the color.

icon = {'path':'material/location_on','size':{"width":40,"height":60},'color':'red'}

As far as the color property goes, I've tried RGB, Hex integer and java.awt.Color values all seem to be ignored. I did notice that the Icon component has a color property that seems to be unicode.