Vision Client slowdown

I'm find the problem :
I flash the "unselected foreground color" on a tab strip. It's the problem.
I do it for button alarm, When there is an unacknowledged alarm.
For my application, I deactivated the blinking and it's good !!

Here's how I did, If someone wants to reproduce the bug and fix it...

On tab strip, i add 2 custom property:

  • Alarm : boolean
  • textColor : color

I linked "Alarm" with an expression :

{[System]Gateway/Alarming/Active and Unacked} || {[System]Gateway/Alarming/Clear and Unacked}

Setting of "style customiser" :

(I use 400/400 to cause the bug faster for my tests)

Setting of "Tab Data" :

Now you have the text of your button flashing on new alarm but after a few minutes of blinking the CPU time goes up dangerously !!