XY Chart - Number format for one axis is overriding other axes

There seems to be a bug with the XY Chart where the number format set on one axis is applied to the other axis or for another configuration object on the same axis. I experienced this bug on Ignition 8.0.12, then tried on 8.0.15 and saw the same thing.

Consider this screenshot:

Note how the left side, right side, and bottom are all currency formatted. This is what is displayed even though I only set a single axis to have a currency format. The other two number formats seem to be ignored or overridden.

I did this using the default XY Chart component so as to be easy to reproduce. I only made two changes to its properties, and both can be seen in the property editor on the right side of the screenshot:

  1. I changed the yAxes[1].value.format property to have a value of $#,###. This changed both the Process Temp and Output Temp formatting to have a $ in it. That change of formatting should only have applied to the Output Temp. The format for Process Temp (#,###.##) seems to be ignored.
  2. I changed the xAxes[0].render property from date to value. Obviously it is odd to change a date value to be rendered as a numeric value, but notice that if you do this then the currency formatting is applied to the X axis too.

So not only is a format in one of the Y axis configurations affecting other Y axis configurations, but it’s also affecting X axis configuration too.

Is there any way to fix or work around this issue? I want to have X and Y axes that are both numeric but not have one format override the other.

This issue seems to be fixed in 8.1.3. I noticed this text in the release notes:

Fixed bug that wasnt correctly updating the formatting for "value" based Axes on the XYChart component

I tested using the same methods I did above. I confirmed that the bug is still present in 8.1.2, and it is gone in 8.1.3.