I think it’s worth noting for future people who have similar questions that Ignition’s API documentation is available online and details these components rather thoroughly.
That said, although it is available online, I don’t know how to access the latest version of it without googling an Ignition-API-specific string. For example, googling the following:
“ignition AlarmExpressionParseContext.AlarmExpressionPropResolver”
yields as its first result, this.
From there, you can click “All Classes” (or index if you don’t mind waiting for your browser to catch up), and find the component you’re looking for. Now, using @mazeyrat 's question as an example, we can find the alarmjournaltable in the list of “All Classes” and click it to see what it’s made of.
There are a lot more methods listed here than what you see in the ignition manual under Alarm Journal Table. I don’t see a means in the regular manual to even access the full list of alarms in the alarm journal table (since the question was asked, I’m assuming that “selected alarms” wasn’t enough). I haven’t tested the API functions, but I’m gonna guess that “getAlarms()” gets the contents of the alarm journal.
Now, tbh I do not know that this tool can be used to find paths through getComponent commands to different components… so for fun I wrote this script for drilling through components:
#this script is used on a button, and prints the complete list of "getComponents" for an object to the console.
def recursiveScan(codeString):
i = 0
while (1):
newCodeString = codeString + ".getComponent(" + str(i) + ")"
print newCodeString
myObject = event.source.parent.getComponent('Alarm Journal') #replace with your object
recursiveScan("print myObject")