Applying markdown to bound tag value in perspective

The markdown should work as long as you get an expression that properly formats the html tags around it, but just in case I wanted to suggest an alternative that achieves an outline using textShadow, as in the following thread:

Try just having a label with your number and add the following two items to style:

color: magenta
textShadow: black -1px 0px 1px, black 0px -1px 1px, black 1px 0px 1px, black 0px 1px 1px


If you make the shadow any bigger than 1px you'll need to add in the corner shadows as well, but beyond 1px it usually looks a bit wrong anyway.

bonus with all corner shadows:

textShadow: black -1px -1px 1px, black -1px 1px 1px, black 1px -1px 1px, black 1px 1px 1px, black -1px 0px 1px, black 0px -1px 1px, black 0px 1px 1px, black 1px 0px 1px