Automation Professionals' EtherNet/IP Communication Suite V2

Feature beta release. Configuration of arbitrary data types and symbols, optionally within folders, via the "Supplemental XML" configuration file, is now available for testing. At this time, functionality is focused on MicroLogix 8xx global variables that get excluded from the Logix Standard Browse operation. For user convenience, the appropriate XML can be generated from a Connected Components Workbench project via a python script:

Place the script in your specific project folder, which is typically something like:


If not yet present, install Python. Anything from v3.8 and up should work. Then, open a command line, cd to that project folder, and run:


(If you copy or otherwise access that folder from a Linux system, simply click on after you make it executable.)

A file named enip1-ml800-supplement.xml will be created in that folder. Import this XML file into the device configuration.

Manually restart the device. (Edit & save dance. Yes, this will be fixed before production release.)

Only global variables are accessible. I've found no way to access program local variables as is possible with conventional Logix processors.

The python script excludes variables that fit the browse requirements of the normal process, so there isn't any duplication. It also substitutes some data types that the underlying interface expects. See the python code and its output if you are interested.

For Ignition v8.1+ as usual: v2.1.6.232371923 Beta

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