Automation Professionals' Integration Toolkit Module

I have spent my holiday poking at this. Wanted to provide an efficient replacement for a common use of python transforms: Make a (Perspective) table that dynamically populates both .data and .columns from source dataset that isn't constrained to any particular structure or data types.

In Vision, one can achieve this (mostly) by pre-populating the column attributes dataset with all of the possible column names your application might deliver. No such thing in Perspective. But a transform can take the column names and types from a dataset, perform lookups on one or the other in a map of presets for .columns, and construct the corresponding entry.

I realized pretty quickly that I forgot to provide a way to iterate over the column information of a dataset, so there's now a columnsOf() expression to obtain that, and I realized that iterating over maps (as key-value pairs) is pretty handy, too. So that has been added to the iterators, and the asList() and asMap() functions have been updated to convert back and forth.

And I realized that I had no way to compare the performance of expression functions versus similar scripting solutions. I can't instrument the machinery of script transforms themselves, but I was able to instrument calls to runScript() as if calling a script transform. Should have close to the same jython overhead.

Anyways, I created a test case view for a "chameleon" table--takes any dataset tag via a tagpath parameter, and displays it with the simplest possible jsonifcation into .data and proof-of-concept for map-lookup generation of .columns. This is the library script that supports the python transforms:

from java.lang import Throwable
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.xmlserialization import ClassNameResolver
from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.model.values import QualifiedValue
logger = system.util.getLogger('transforms')

resolver = ClassNameResolver.createBasic()

# Convert dataset to list of dictionaries for Perspective table data property.
def dsToJsonData(ds):
	headings = list(ds.columnNames)
	pyds = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(ds)
	return [dict(zip(headings, row)) for row in pyds]

def columnsOf(ds):
	return zip(ds.columnNames, map(resolver.getName, ds.columnTypes))

def deQualify(value):
	if isinstance(value, QualifiedValue):
		return value.value
	return value

def unMap(value, *args):
	value = deQualify(value)
	if isinstance(value, dict):
		for key in args:
				return deQualify(value[key])
	return value	

# Convert dataset columns to list of dictionaries for Perspective table columns property.
def dsToJsonColumns(ds, handlingMap):
	headings = list(ds.columnNames)
		return [dict(field=colName, header=dict(title=unMap(deQualify(handlingMap.get(colName, colName)), 'title'))) for colName in headings]
	except Throwable, t:"dsToJsonColumns() unexpected error", t)
	except Exception, e:"dsToJsonColumns() unexpected exception", shared.later.PythonAsJavaException(e))

The resolver is there for later decision-making based on column types, without having to deal with actual class instances.

Anyways, the bindings that call into that script module look like this:

runScript('transforms.dsToJsonData', 0, {view.custom.dataset}))


runScript('transforms.dsToJsonColumns', 0, {view.custom.dataset}, {this.custom.columnHandling}))

The pure expression bindings that perform the same transformation using my new iterators look like this:



		asMap('field', it()[0],
			'header', asMap('title', try(unMap({this.custom.columnHandling}[it()[0]], 'title'), it()[0]))

The python columns transform has a slight advantage in that it is not converting the column type class instances to their string names (or abbreviations), which the columnsOf() expression function does unconditionally. So the speed advantage is a bit understated in these results from a little while ago:

[20:20:27]: Duration 279070ns timeme=chameleon-data,
[20:20:27]: Duration 1439812ns timeme=chameleon-pydata, target=custom.pyData

[20:20:27]: Duration 372097ns timeme=chameleon-columns, target=props.columns
[20:20:27]: Duration 755441ns timeme=chameleon-pycolumns, target=custom.pyColumns

[20:20:27]: Duration 242858ns timeme=chameleon-data,
[20:20:27]: Duration 1213344ns timeme=chameleon-pydata, target=custom.pyData

[20:20:27]: Duration 231521ns timeme=chameleon-columns, target=props.columns
[20:20:27]: Duration 773343ns timeme=chameleon-pycolumns, target=custom.pyColumns

[20:20:47]: Duration 298823ns timeme=chameleon-data,
[20:20:47]: Duration 1316618ns timeme=chameleon-pydata, target=custom.pyData

[20:20:47]: Duration 295162ns timeme=chameleon-columns, target=props.columns
[20:20:47]: Duration 707748ns timeme=chameleon-pycolumns, target=custom.pyColumns

[20:20:47]: Duration 247223ns timeme=chameleon-data,
[20:20:47]: Duration 1050020ns timeme=chameleon-pydata, target=custom.pyData

[20:20:47]: Duration 265910ns timeme=chameleon-columns, target=props.columns
[20:20:47]: Duration 619060ns timeme=chameleon-pycolumns, target=custom.pyColumns

The new Simulation Aids expressions are 2.5x to 5x faster than the python transforms, working with a 50Rx3C source dataset.

Latest for Ignition v8.1.x: v2.0.2.231701910

I think there are a few more tweaks to come. :grin: