Bad_NodeIdUnknown: The node id refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space

Thanks. so for every 2 hours we need to reinitialize right?
I am one more error.

when I click on Tag Geneneration->Create Tags
Global folder is not creating.

when I installed first time the kepware , I was able to get tag values in Kepware and Ignition also.

next time I am trying the same but values is not getting and other above errors are coming.
now tags are coming values are not coming

Kavya, were you ever able to figure out the issue here? Having the same issue myself.

Kepware need License, if not we need to restart the Kepware.
Go to Services, search for the Kepware and restart its files. Then we can see the live tag values.


this is how I tried.

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That was the fix! Thank you Kavya!

Facing Same problem :sob::sob::sob::sob: what is this where I check this problem ..plc ... ignition software or designer software. Please tell me .....

You should start a new topic and explain what you've set up, and share screen shots of your results. All of the above is Kepware related--if you are asking about PLC and designer and Ignition itself, you may have a totally different problem.

Facing this problem :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::disappointed::disappointed: from 24 hrs

Start a new topic. Provide complete details about YOUR system. You haven't provided anything useful for helping you.

Can we are use any dask you will easily find the problem