[bug-13267]Tag history issues

That mirrors what we are seeing as well. It appears that it is working as expected then. I do have a couple other issues that I have seen in the past week with the 8.0.1 version I'm using. One I posted about on the forum and it doesn't have any responses yet. The link is below. The other issue that I have seen is on the gateway on my laptop I have a trial version of the gateway running, when I start the gateway in the morning the opc tags (which at this point the devices are not connected) show a status of bad_trialExpired as expected. When I reset my trial they go to a status of bad_UnknownPreviousValue, the only way I have found to clear this status is to disable/enable each tag or to restart the gateway. Either way the tag status goes to bad_NotConnected which is what I would expect it to be once I reset the trial initially. I'm not sure if this behavior is expected or if it is a bug, but it seems off to me.