[BUG] v8.1.5 AB Logix driver - Tags that are written and reset by PLC in 1 scan remain

Ah-ha, I found my original post where I described the race condition, and in that version it was explicitly about read-after-write:

If Ignition isn’t the only thing that will write to a given tag then I’d recommend not using the “Read after write” setting because there’s a somewhat dangerous race condition and it’s more likely to occur when using slow scan classes / subscriptions.

Imagine, if you will, a boolean tag in a 30 second scan class.

  1. driver polls value=false, next poll in 30s
  2. user writes value=true to tag, read-after-write confirms value=true, ignition tag now set to true
  3. some seconds later, before the next poll, an external source (script, PLC logic, whatever) sets the value to false again
  4. driver eventually polls again, reads value=false, no change since last poll, so no data change is sent to client

The tag is now false in the PLC but true in Ignition.

from Indirect Tag Delay - #9 by Kevin.Herron

I somehow telephoned my own race condition description into something inaccurate since then.