[BUG] v8.1.5 AB Logix driver - Tags that are written and reset by PLC in 1 scan remain

I seem to have found that part of the issue is the Fallback Delay in the binding.

I had an issue in the past where this fallback delay seemed too long and it was delaying an update. At the time, setting this to a low value (0.2s) "fixed" that issue.

With the slider, it was definitely causes the jump. I reset the fallback delay to 2.5s and the jumpiness of the slider stopped.

I have toggle buttons on the window and they respond slower than I would like. These toggle buttons use the control value to determine color. For example, if the control value is 0 the button is red and if the value 1 1 the button is green. If the control value is 0 and I click the button, the value of 1 is written to the control value tag. It takes a second for the button to change color. I would think that setting "optimistic write" to true would be the solution but it doesn't seem to help.

Does anyone have a best practice setting for tag group and binding properties that seems to leave them with a responsive feeling HMI?


The most important thing is to make sure you are actually polling at the desired pace--no overload on the device's diagnostics.

If not, fix that first. Start here, read all the inner links, too:

I've always had problems with the slider component. Sometimes it doesn't read correctly until I move the slider. It's the only component that I have seen behave this way. I stopped using them for that reason.