Calculating Total Time in Seconds

I had to do something similar for a report, where i was logging the time between safety rounds. I logged the tag change events to a mysql database, then created a query data source within the report, and then created a script data source to perform the calculation and write it back to the original data source. This is the part of my code dealing with the time stamp difference.

I don’t know if this can be adapted for your purpose, but it may help.

secondsBetweenRows = []
	queryData = data['query'].getCoreResults()
	previousTimestamps = {}
	for row in range(queryData.getRowCount()):
		group = queryData.getValueAt(row, 'unit') + queryData.getValueAt(row, 'station') 
		if group in previousTimestamps:
			# do the calculation
			currentTimestamp = queryData.getValueAt(row, 'timeStamp')
			secondsBetween =[group], currentTimestamp)
			previousTimestamps[group] = queryData.getValueAt(row, 'timeStamp')		
			# first of the group
			previousTimestamps[group] = queryData.getValueAt(row, 'timeStamp')
	data['query'] = system.dataset.addColumn(queryData, secondsBetweenRows, 'seconds', int)