Calling the system.util.sendMessage function from a Module?

What you will have to do is dispatch the message using MessageDispatchManager, and then you need to set up a message handler in a project that can call a script function in your module (example shown below).

Send code (Java):

MessageDispatchManager mdm = gatewayContext.getMessageDispatchManager();

PyDictionary payload = new PyDictionary(new PyObject[] {
        new PyString("Source"), new PyString("Gateway"),
        new PyString("Message"), new PyString("testMessage")

// Limit to Gateway scope
Properties filterParams = new Properties();
filterParams.setProperty(MessageDispatchManager.KEY_SCOPE, MessageDispatchManager.SCOPE_GATEWAY_ONLY);

// You must specify a project, as message handlers are configured in projects. 

Jython Message handler in a project, which must be named “MyMessageHandler”:

def handleMessage(payload):