Nah. Wicket works just fine. It's just that everything IA does with it uses the PersistentRecord models. I implemented my own. The abstract base:
public abstract class AbstractModelEditor<T> extends Panel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected final WebMarkupContainer body;
protected final FormComponent<T> editor;
* Mimic's Ignition's Field style in the RecordEditForm, but not dependent on
* any PersistentRecord instance. Instead, the appropriate wicket model is
* supplied to the fields.
* Subclasses must have html with wicket:extend surrounding a suitable form
* component snippet having wicket:id="editor". The subclass should pass a
* bound CompoundPropertyModel to the wicket form component. Ideally, the
* CompoundPropertyModel is attached to the form itself.
* @param id Typically an auto-generated child ID of a RepeatingView.
* @param fieldModel Model to supply/receive the HTML field value
* @param baseKey Required bundle key prefix for .Name, optional .Desc, and
* optional .Default static text.
public AbstractModelEditor(String id, IModel<T> fieldModel, String baseKey) {
TransparentWebMarkupContainer row = new TransparentWebMarkupContainer("editorRow");
Label title = new Label("fieldTitle", new LenientResourceModel(baseKey+".Name", ""));
body = new WebMarkupContainer("editorBody");
/* Subclass markup injected by wicket:child for editor component. */
editor = createEditor(fieldModel);
LenientResourceModel descModel = new LenientResourceModel(baseKey+".Desc", "");
MultiLineLabel desc = new MultiLineLabel("descriptionLabel", descModel);
LenientResourceModel defModel = new LenientResourceModel(baseKey+".Default", "");
Label defValue = new Label("defaultLabel", defModel);
protected abstract FormComponent<T> createEditor(IModel<T> fieldModel);
public FormComponent<T> getEditor() {
return editor;
Then concrete implementations like this:
public class ModelChoiceEditor<T> extends AbstractModelEditor<T> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public ModelChoiceEditor(String id, IModel<T> fieldModel, String baseKey, IModel<? extends List<? extends T>> choicesModel, IChoiceRenderer<T> renderer) {
super(id, fieldModel, baseKey);
DropDownChoice<T> f = (DropDownChoice<T>) editor;
if (choicesModel != null)
if (renderer != null)
protected FormComponent<T> createEditor(IModel<T> fieldModel) {
DropDownChoice<T> f = new DropDownChoice<T>("editor");
return f;
Sorry, Eric, that's all you get. Just plucking out what else I could share would be rather time-consuming. Wicket isn't very friendly until you wrap your head around the IModel<?>
. /: