Change SVG Path/Code via Binding/Script

To my knowledge, there is no way to dynamically modify an SVG inside of vision. SVG's inside of vision are for all intents and purposes an image. You could have multiple SVG's and swap them with the visibility but I take that you're aware of that approach. I suppose you might be able to do it with some Java, but I have had no need nor the desire to take that approach.

IMHO, the much better approach (if not the only one) in vision is to use a paintable canvas. Several posts about that approach around the forum.

With perspective, however, this is possible. How you would do it would depend on what exactly you're needing.

A good starting example:

Based on what you say you're wanting to do, I would create multiple elements or groups of elements for each of the configurations. Then I would apply a visibility property with a binding to make them visible or not based on the selected configuration.