This question is probably interesting and unique enough to be split off into its own topic. I looked at it briefly using an approach that is similar to the one recommended by @w.mandelli, but so far, I haven't found a solution. Below is the code I developed to get the label column along with a list of all of its declared 'get' methods. If nothing else, it will save you a step:
labelColumnFinder Source Code
def labelColumnFinder(alarmStatusTable):
if alarmStatusTable.componentCount > 0:
for component in alarmStatusTable.getComponents():
if 'AlarmStatusTable$1' in str(component.__class__):
for column in range(component.columnCount):
if 'Label' in component.getColumnName(column):
labelColumn = component.getColumnModel().getColumn(column)
print "Class = " + str(type(labelColumn))
print "width = " + str(labelColumn.getWidth())
for index, listener in enumerate(labelColumn.getPropertyChangeListeners()):
print "listener #" + str(index) + " = " + str(listener)
print "minimum width = " + str(labelColumn.getMinWidth())
print "preferred width = " + str(labelColumn.getPreferredWidth())
print "maximum width = " + str(labelColumn.getMaxWidth())
print "idnetifier = " + str(labelColumn.getIdentifier())
print "cell renderer = " + str(labelColumn.getCellRenderer())
print "model index = " + str(labelColumn.getModelIndex())
print "header value = " + str(labelColumn.getHeaderValue())
print "cell editor = " + str(labelColumn.getCellEditor())
print "header renderer = " + str(labelColumn.getHeaderRenderer())
print "resizable? = " + str(labelColumn.getResizable())
alarmStatusTable = event.source.parent.getComponent('Alarm Status Table')
Source Code Output
Class = <type 'javax.swing.table.TableColumn'>
width = 157
listener #0 = javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel@665cd340
listener #1 = com.jidesoft.grid.JideTable$15@7839c001
minimum width = 15
preferred width = 75
maximum width = 2147483647
idnetifier = Label
cell renderer = None
model index = 22
header value = Label
cell editor = None
header renderer = None
resizable? = True
To change the font for one specific column, I suspect that at some level, a listener is going to have to be removed to prevent the column from inheriting the font from one of its higher level components. There is also a cellRendererPane associated with this table that could possibly affect this effort in some way. The default column itself doesn't have its own renderer or editor, so it's possible that they will need to be created from scratch and subsequently set.