Combining custom theme pseudo classes and element states

Good job finding a solution.

Its really a shame the theme.css files are not accesable in the designer,
This would make this a lot easier:

Due to some styles being assigned inline instead of classes sometimes its just required to use !important yeah...

What ive been doing a lot, and im not saying its perfecet either, but its just a lot easier to acces in the designer... Is "ccs injection", you can inject css into the style classes using inverted brackets.
You'll find a bunch of things when you look it up in the forum, as seems my methode has become quite known on here over the year xD So there must be some benefit to it eventho its not perfect :stuck_out_tongue:

Its a bit harder to understand or setup, but it might be easier for a second user to find the style and change something in it if its already predefined and named correctly...

Its also great for combinging classes, for more examples look up ".psc-" or something