Note: Any really big stuff will have to wait until after 8.3.0, so don't expect a lot on this topic for a while. But, a dependency bump in the bundled library did get a few little niceties I think you'll all appreciate; these will be in the nightly tomorrow and in 8.1.38 full:
- "Smart" quotes - single and double quotes will automatically surround the selection, and nicely 'overtype' at the end.
- "Smart" square brackets and curly braces - much the same as quotes, for automatic surround of a given selection.
- Proper automatic indentation. This one is something I had so baked into my brain I didn't even realize it was missing - I literally always do a colon -> newline -> tab automatically, so now I end up with two tabs when editing a script in the designer
- No flashy GIF, but I tweaked the paste handling a little bit to hopefully help address complaints like Copy-Pasting Script in Ignition 8.1.32 Results in Indent/Dedent Errors