Communication between B&R PLC and Ignition over OPC UA

Hi All,

I am using the available Ethernet port of X201583 to connect B&R X20 PLC to Ignition over OPC-UA.
Is is possible to connect B&R PLC X201583 to Ignition without using BC0087 module?

Steps followed to connect the B&R PLC and Ignition without using BC0087 module are as follows.

  1. B&R PLC (Available Ethernet Port) --------->(Cat 5) Cable ---------> Ignition PC
  2. I created the “New Device” clicking “Add New Device”
  3. I configured the B&R PLC’s IP address and Port number in the “Newly Created Device”.
  4. Clicked on “Save”
  5. Ignition shows status of Device as “Connected”
  6. I configured the IPAdrees, Subnet mask manually in PC(Network Connection >Local Area Connection>Properties > TCP/IP ) on which Iginition is installed.
  7. In Ignition i clicked on “Add OPC Server configuration”
  8. I configured HostName: localhost , Port: 4096
  9. Clicked on “Save”
  10. OPC-UA Server was running successfully.
  11. I can Browse B&R PLC in the Ignition but unable to see Tags which i created as Global Tags in B&R PLC.

Kindly suggest.

Best Regards

You shouldn’t need to add another OPC-UA connection, when Ignition gets installed it creates one for you. You only need to add new UA connections when you needs to connect to additional UA servers.

You left out one very important piece of information: what driver did you select when you added the device?

HI Kevin,

Thanks for your information.

[size=85]u left out one very important piece of information: what driver did you select when you added the device?[/size] - I selected TCP driver while adding “New Device”

Can you able to help with some more information like

Is is possible to connect B&R PLC X201583 to Ignition without using BC0087 module?

Best Regards

[quote=“vikasgodbole”]HI Kevin,

Thanks for your information.

[size=85]u left out one very important piece of information: what driver did you select when you added the device?[/size] - I selected TCP driver while adding “New Device”

Can you able to help with some more information like

Is is possible to connect B&R PLC X201583 to Ignition without using BC0087 module?

Best Regards

I don’t know if it’s possible - I’ve never heard of this PLC before. And using the TCP driver is almost certainly not going to work. The TCP driver is poorly named and is meant for communicating with simple devices like barcode scanners that just continuously emit string data over a TCP connection.

If the device supports Modbus, you can use Ignition’s Modbus driver to get data from it.

Otherwise you’re going to need to find a 3rd party OPC server that knows how to communicate with this PLC and create an OPC-DA or OPC-UA connection to that server.

HI Kevin,

Thanks for your reply.

While creating the “New Device” in Ignition i am using the “Modbus V2” -> Modbus TCP.

I would like to in this case Ignition will be Modbus Master?

Because i cannot see any parameter to toggle between Master and Salve after creating the “New Device”

Best Regards

Hi Vikas,

Sorry, was out on business.

You are correct in that Ignition would act as the Modbus master.

Did you verify that this can be done without the BC0087? A call to your B&R rep may answer some of these questions. :slight_smile:

Hi All,

B&R CPUs are provided with a built-in OPC UA server, you should contact B&R for further information.


I just noticed this post - I have a similar issue and have found a solution using Labview if you are interested, you can email me at

Just bumping this topic…

Has anyone been successful in hooking up a B&R system using ModbusTCP?



Hello all,

I’m hoping to bump this topic and get an answer on the prospect of creating a connection to Ignition’s OPCUA server via the MODbusTCP driver. Connecting my AB Rockwell ControlLogix PLC was simple and excellent, but i’m trying to make sure I can connect and utilize OPCUA communication to/from my B&R CP1586 PLC as well.

This thread is from 2013, has there been any development on this?