Creating and defining a dataset in Vision

Of course there must be modifications to suit my needs, I didn't mention it as it seemed trivial.

The editability shouldn't just remain in the table, the new values were supposed to actually update the tag.

I've actually got some of this to work by running the code in the table's propertyChange event based on this thread. However, since I couldn't get tag data to appear in there I don't know if this would have created live values or a single data pull.
I tried to read tag values this based on this thread here, modified to a single tag for the test, but my project refuses to read the path and I can't understand what it is that I'm doing wrong.

The reason I'm trying to get a table to work is that I initially tried just placing numeric text fields side by side to get the "table look", but when I open the project on a different size screen it looks bad with out of alignment cells etc. and I'm not sure how a row of those fields set as a template (and stacked vertically via the template repeater) will look.