Customizing Perspective Table and json scripting help

Thanks, I will try it.

I don't think his goal was to improve performances, but rather to make things simpler for him.


I really conflated describing what I was doing.

I appreciate the help from both angles.

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Can I keep the headers, but get rid of the shadow and line from within the component?

Everything is possible !

As there's no option for this, you'll need to use css.
Weirdly enough, trying to set box-shadow: none in the header's style doesn't do anything.
I guess the box shadow is set on another div that the one the styles are applied to.

But it's easy enough to find where that box shadow is, and add a rule that targets it in the style sheet.
To make sure it's only applied to THAT table (you don't want to start messing up other tables in your project), you can add a domId to your table, so that we can target it specifically.
I gave a domId of "faketable" to mine:


Then added this to the stylesheet:

#faketable .ia_table__headContainer {
	box-shadow: none;

If you don't have a stylesheet, your ignition version is too old (I think it was introduced in 8.1.21 ?).
In this case, you can put that css in your theme file instead.
Or inject it, oldstyle !





I ended up turning the header off, and using a couple flex containers to align labels.
The numbers are in a table in the image on blue background.
Customized table column text, row height, and row style.

Thanks for finding the thing to target. I still struggle with that part.
Thanks for showing me the dom id.
I usually use the background style trick where you open the brackets on the object itself to target, Victor showed me.

oh no


It looked great, now suddenly it has changed. All did was close and open the designer.

I think I figured it out.
I had basis 100%.
I must have changed the width of something else, and then 100% was smaller.
So now my table is set to 300px to show right.

That's the old style injection, not necessary anymore with the introduction of the style sheet.

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The footprint is small though.