DateTime tag with Omron NJ Driver

So as annoying as the whole Omron thing is, I'm trying to get it working without changing the PLC controller clock, because we already have some things implemented with it as it is.

Currently the NX701 PLC has controller clock set as follows:

And we've stored a value in the PLC as follows (2023-11-29 15:00:00):

I set the offset in the Ignition driver to -12 hrs:

Which gets me close to what i need, but because we are in New Zealand and are going through daylight savings, we actually need -13hrs offset.

But this is not possible..?? Cmon, can you give us a break down here?

Just in case someone else comes across here and hasn't seen the release notes, the NJ Driver timezone offset is now configurable from -24 to +24.
Life is much easier now :slightly_smiling_face:. Thanks IA!

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