I have retentive checked, but all my hour meters reset to 0 when I reset the Boolean to 0.
I have a boolean for running.
It sets the hour meter tags for the the machine.
However, it was 7 earlier and now it is only 1, so it reset.
I have a script that sets the booelean to 0 at the end of shifts.
However, my meter is never supposed to reset.
Well the reset happened 30 minutes ago for running booleans.
They toggle on and off all the time.
I did just add a machine to the transaction group today though. So maybe when I added that, the meters reset?
Do hour meters reset if the gateway goes down?
Testing, setting one to 10.
Moments later it broke.
Oh no, this hour meter is useless?
Retentive Hour Meter Resets on Group Disable]
I need an accurate hour meter from the gateway, not the plc.
I am going to use event scripting till I learn a better way.